A Student after graduation in Agriculture shall be able to-
PO 1: Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in diverse and team environment both orally and in writing.
PO2: Demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving skills by analyzing situations and constructing and selecting viable solutions to solve agricultural problems.
PO3: Demonstrate ethical practices impacting agriculture enterprises and exhibit an understanding of the ethical implications of decisions.
PO4: Demonstrate knowledge, integrative skills and technical competences in multiple areas of agricultural sciences, emerging technologies in the field, and their applications.
PO5: Acquire the ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the ever-changing agricultural production system/enterprises.
PO6: Demonstrate the ability to analyze data and draw appropriate statistical conclusions.
PO7: Demonstrate an ability to work effectively with others.
PO8: Recognize and examine the relationships between inputs and outputs in their agricultural field to make effective and profitable decisions.
PO9: A fundamental understanding of economic principles and their application to agricultural, resource, rural and related issues.
PO10: A fundamental understanding of economic principles and their application to agricultural resource, rural and related issues.
PO11: Knowledge dissemination regarding various technique of farming and farming system, types of market and marketing of agricultural produce.
Course Out Comes (COs) B.Sc. (Ag) I Semester | ||
S.No. | Name of Course | Course Outcome |
1. | To know about Corporate Governance. CODE NO . : AG-101 |
To know about Corporate Governance. |
2. | To know about Corporate Governance. CODE NO. : AG-102 |
: • To understand the scope of studying genetics. : To understand Mendel's law of inheritance and pattern of inheritance : To explain the characteristics of genetics linkage and crossing over : To explain the theory of sex determination and sex determination in humans and Drosophila. : To understand the structure of DNA and its replication. : Toexplain central dogma of molecular biology: genes to protein and protein to phenotypes : To understand the different types of mutations and their impact |
3. | Understand the basic concept of soil ,its genesis. CODE NO. : AG-103 |
Enable the student to understand the role of soil, their physical, chemical and biological properties |
4. | Fundamentals of Horticulture CODE NO-AG-104) |
Ability to explain the definition, scope and future prospects of Horticulture. |
5. | Rural Sociology and Educational Psychology (CODE NO-AG-105) |
To critically analyse the meaning, definition and types of education |
6. | Introductory Animal husbandry COD E NO-AG-105) |
• Students will able to apply concepts of animal Physiology, breeding for producing outstanding progenies. |
7. | Introductory Biology (CODE NO-AG-110B)(Remedial Course) | • To understand and interpret the primary biological literature in their area of interest. • To understand the role of cell organelles and their functions |
B.Sc. Ag IInd Semester | ||
S.No. | Name of Course | Outcome |
1 | Crop Production Technology- I (Kharif Crops)( (Crop Production Technology- I (Kharif Crops)( |
• Acquaintance with the knowledge on Kharif crops, their classification (cereal, oilseed, pulse, sugar and fodder crops) and their importance in agriculture and national economy. |
2. | Fundamentals of Plant Biochemistry CODE NO-AG-202) |
To acquaint knowledge on the applications and scope of biochemistry, classification, composition, properties, structural formula, occurrence, of carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids |
3. | Fundamentals of Entomology-I( (CODE NO-AG-203) |
To understand the knowledge of Insect |
4. | Fundamental of Agricultural Economics (CODE NO-AG-204) |
Investigate, critique and evaluate the cost benefits. |
5. | Principles of Organic Farming (CODE NO-AG-205) |
Ability to explain definition, concept, importance and scope of organic farming in India. |
6. | Fundamentals of Plant Pathology (CODE NO-AG-206) |
Student will acquaint about concepts of plant pathogens, major disease causing organisms and their etiology. |
7. | Productiontechnologyofvegetableand spices (CODE NO-AG-207) |
Educate production technology of vegetables and spices. |
8. | Fundamentals of Plant Pathology (CODE NO-AG-206) |
To critically analyse the meaning, definition and types of education |
9. | Dairy Processing and Safety issues (CODE NO-AG-209) |
Studies learn about technologies to handle physical aspects of fluid based process and learn about various quality and safety issues. |
B.Sc. Ag IIIrd Semester | ||
S.No. | Name of Course | Outcome |
1. | Crop Production Technology- I (Kharif Crops)( (CODE NO-AG-301) |
Acquaintance with the knowledge on Kharif crops, their classification (cereal, oilseed, pulse, sugar and fodder crops) and their importance in agriculture and national economy. |
2. | Practical Crop Production- I (Kharif Crops) (CODE NO-AG-302) |
Distinguishing all Kharif crops in the field along with getting familiar with their cultivation practices. |
3. | Farm Structures, Power and Machinery (CODE NO-AG-303) |
To understand the mode of reproduction and pollination in crops |
4. | Agricultural microbiology (CODE NO-AG-304) |
Student will understand the basics of different types of microorganism, their activities, role in soil fertility, human welfare, nutrient cycling, agriculture residue degradation, rhizosphere and phyllosphere. |
5. | Agricultural Finance and Cooperation CODE NO-AG-305) |
To Understand the significance of Finance in Agricultural development. |
6. | Farm Machinery and Power (CODE NO-AG-306) |
Various sources of farm power and their uses |
7. | Principles of Integrated Disease Management (CODE NO-AG-307) |
Student will know importance of sign and symptoms for detection of pathogens and disease. |
8. | Fundamentals of Soil and Water Conservation CODE NO-AG-310) |
This course deals with different method for conservation of soil and water. |
9. | Dairy Science (CODE NO-AG-311) |
Studies will learn about processing, handling and manufacturing of milk and milk products along with its Physico-chemical and microbiological qualities. |
B.Sc. Ag IVth Semester | ||
S.No. | Name of Course | Outcome |
1. | Crop Production Technology- II (Rabi Crops) CODE NO-AG-401 |
Familiarity with Rabi crops, their classification (cereal, oilseed, pulse, sugar, tuber and forage crops) and their significance in agriculture as well as in the national economy. |
2. | Practical Crop Production- II (Rabi Crops) CODE NO-AG-402) |
Recognising all Rabi crops in the field and being acquainted with their production methods. |
3. | Principles of Seed Technology CODE NO-AG-403 |
To start a seed production program to fulfill the requirement for quality seed in the market and increase income. |
4. | Problematic Soils and their Management (CODE NO-AG-404) |
This course will help students to understand the soil quality and health, distribution, categorization, reclamation, and management of problematic and polluted soils of India |
5. | Fundamentals of Plant Biotechnology( CODE NO-AG-405) |
To introduce students to the principles, practices and applications of plant biotechnology, plant tissue culture and molecular breeding of plants. |
6. | Renewable Energy and Green Technology (CODE NO-AG-406) |
Able to understand renewable energy sources available |
7. | Production technology For Ornamental Crops, MAPs and landscaping CODE NO-AG-407) |
Familiarizationwithprinciplesandpracticesoflandscapingandornamental gardening and Production Technology of Different MAPs Crops . |
8. | Entrepreneurship Development and Business Communication CODE NO-AG-408 |
To differentiate between an entrepreneur, entrepreneur and entrepreneurship |
9. | Poultry Production and management CODE NO-AG-411 |
This course will enlighten about the scientific operation of poultry farming. |
B.Sc. Ag Vth Semester | ||
S.No. | Name of Course | Outcome |
1. | Rainfed and Dryland Agriculture CODE NO-AG-501 |
Ability to define and discuss the characteristics and soil and climatic conditions prevalent in rainfed and dryland areas. |
2. | Crop Improvement-1 (Kharif Crops) CODE NO-AG-502) | To learn about floral biology, emasculation and hybridization techniques in Kharif crops. |
3. | Pests of field crops, stored grains and their management CODE NO-AG-503 | Students will learn the distribution, biology and bionomics of different insect pests |
4. | Agricultural marketing, trade and prices CODE NO-AG-504 |
Student will be able to identify the essential marketing functions of buying, selling, transporting, storing, financing, standardizing, pricing and risk bearing. To evaluate the alternatives in marketing of agriculture produce. To develop critical ability about economic principles in marketing of agril commodities. To develop understanding of different types of markets & their role, Marketing organizations and market channel. To learn the problems of marketing of Ag, produce. To understand the process of export and import of agriculture produce. To demonstrate the role of government and cooperative in Agricultural Marketing. |
5. | Protected Cultivation and Secondary Agriculture CODE NO-AG-505 |
It will aware students about different aspects of greenhouse structures, their planning and design |
6. | Diseases of field and horticultural crops and their Management-I (CODE NO-AG-506) | Student will know the common pathogens of different diseases. |
7. | Production Technology For fruit and Plantation Crops (CODE NO-AG-507) |
Impart basic knowledge about the importance and management of fruits (Mango, Apple, Bael Aonla Pear, Guava, Pomegranate, etc. ) and Plantation(Tea, Coffee, Cacao, Rubber, Cashewnut, Arecanut etc.) cropsgrowninIndia. |
8. | Communication Skills and Personality Development CODE NO-AG-508 | To understand the process and principles of communication |
9. | Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) CODE NO-AG-509 | To understand the concept of intellectual property rights. |
10. | Principal of Food Science and Nutrition (CODE NO-AG-510) | Acquire knowledge regarding composition of food. |
11. | Geo-Informatics and Nano Technology (CODE NO-AG-511) | This course is useful for students to have basic understanding regarding concept and technique of
precision agriculture and geo-informatics (a tool used in precision agriculture) and their concern in Indian agriculture. |
12. | Agri-business Management (CODE NO-AGE-51)(Elective Course) | To learn about the transformation of agriculture into agribusiness for raising indian economy and new agricultural policy. |
13. | Agrochemicals (CODE NO-AGE-52)(Elective Course) | This course enables student to learn basic concept, classification, properties, mode of action ,characteristics, preparation fate of agrochemicals and management for sustainable agriculture. |
14. | Commercial Plant Breeding (CODE NO-AGE-53) (Elective Course) | To gain expertise in hybrid seed production techniques. |
15. | Landscaping (CODE NO-AGE-54) (Elective) | Familiarization with principles and practices of landscaping |
16. | Biopesticides and Biofertilizers (CODE NO-AGE-56) (Elective) | To be able to understand the history, scope and potential of biopesticides |
B.Sc. Ag VI th Semester | ||
S.No. | Name of Course | Outcome |
1. | Farming System, Precision Farming and Sustainable Agriculture CODE NO-AGE-601 |
Ability to define and explain the concept, importance as well as scope of farming system. |
2. | Crop Improvement - II (Rabi Crops) CODE NO-AGE-602 |
To learn about floral biology, emasculation and hybridization techniques in Rabi crops. |
3. | Manures, Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management CODE NO-AG-603) |
This course will provide insight into the history of soil fertility and plant nutrition , Classification , importance, preparation of manures and fertilizer ,fertilizer recommendation approaches ,INM,FCO,criteria of essentiality, role, deficiency and toxicity symptoms. |
4. | Farm management production and resource economics CODE NO-AG-604 |
To learn about different type of farming systems. |
5. | Diseases of field and horticultural crops and their Management-II (CODE NO- AG-605) |
Student will know the common pathogens of different diseases. |
6. | Post-Harvest Management and value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables CODE NO- AG-606 |
Facilitate deeper understanding on principles and methods of postharvest managementofhorticultural crops. |
7. | Beneficial insects and pests of horticultural crops and their management (CODE NO- AG-608) |
To be able to understand types of silkworm and their biology |
8. | Protected Cultivation (CODE NO- AG-61)(Elective) |
• Understandingtheprinciple,theoreticalaspectsanddevelopingskillsinprotectedcultivationof horticultural crops. |
9. | Hi- Tech Horticulture (CODE NO- AG-62) (Elective) |
• Students Able to Describe about Basic Concept of High-Tech Horticulture,Nursery Management and Mechanization. |
10. | Weed Management (CODE NO- AG-63)(Elective) |
Developing understanding about the concept, meaning, definition as well as general characteristics of weeds and their problems. |
11. | System Simulation and Agro Advisoryt (CODE NO- AG-63) (Elective) |
Students will gain knowledge of crop relation with soil and atmosphere |
12. | Agricultural Journalism (CODE NO-AG-65)(Elective) |
To understand the nature and scope of agricultural journalism and to inculcate the skills of the agricultural journalist |
B.Sc. Ag VII th Semester | ||
S.No. | Name of Course | Outcome |
1. | Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE) and Agro- Industrial Attachment (AIA) |
Developing understanding about the rural setting in relation to agriculture and allied activities. |