: 0131-2621744
: ccrpgcollege@gmail.com

B.Sc. (Ag) – Four year degree programme


A Student after graduation in Agriculture shall be able to-

PO 1: Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in diverse and team environment both orally and in writing.
PO2: Demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving skills by analyzing situations and constructing and selecting viable solutions to solve agricultural problems.
PO3: Demonstrate ethical practices impacting agriculture enterprises and exhibit an understanding of the ethical implications of decisions.
PO4: Demonstrate knowledge, integrative skills and technical competences in multiple areas of agricultural sciences, emerging technologies in the field, and their applications.
PO5: Acquire the ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the ever-changing agricultural production system/enterprises.
PO6: Demonstrate the ability to analyze data and draw appropriate statistical conclusions.
PO7: Demonstrate an ability to work effectively with others.
PO8: Recognize and examine the relationships between inputs and outputs in their agricultural field to make effective and profitable decisions.
PO9: A fundamental understanding of economic principles and their application to agricultural, resource, rural and related issues.
PO10: A fundamental understanding of economic principles and their application to agricultural resource, rural and related issues.
PO11: Knowledge dissemination regarding various technique of farming and farming system, types of market and marketing of agricultural produce.

Course Out Comes (COs) B.Sc. (Ag)
I Semester
S.No. Name of Course Course Outcome
1. To know about Corporate Governance.
CODE NO . : AG-101

To know about Corporate Governance.
To know about Corporate Governance.
To know about Corporate Governance.
To know about Corporate Governance.
To know about Corporate Governance.
To know about Corporate Governance.

2. To know about Corporate Governance.
CODE NO. : AG-102

: • To understand the scope of studying genetics.

: To understand Mendel's law of inheritance and pattern of inheritance

: To explain the characteristics of genetics linkage and crossing over

: To explain the theory of sex determination and sex determination in humans and Drosophila.

: To understand the structure of DNA and its replication.

: Toexplain central dogma of molecular biology: genes to protein and protein to phenotypes

: To understand the different types of mutations and their impact

3. Understand the basic concept of soil ,its genesis.
CODE NO. : AG-103

Enable the student to understand the role of soil, their physical, chemical and biological properties
Classification and distribution of soils of UP, characteristics of soil organic matter, its Importance, management and maintenance of organic matter.
Understand the basic concept of soil ,its genesis.

4. Fundamentals of Horticulture

Ability to explain the definition, scope and future prospects of Horticulture.
Understanding of the basic concepts of Horticulture, crop production, soil and climate, crop nutrition, water management, harvesting and storage.
Understanding of different agro-climatic zones of India and their characteristics.
Able to establish the new Orchard of different Fruit Crops.
Knowledge of growth stages along with factors affecting the growth and development.
Able to discuss different irrigation methods .

5. Rural Sociology and Educational Psychology
(CODE NO-AG-105)

To critically analyse the meaning, definition and types of education
To appreciate the importance and scope of extension education
To appraise the process, principles and steps in extension programme planning
To understand the evolution of Indian Agricultural Extension System
To get acquainted with the emerging trends in agricultural extension
To analyse how crucial the rural development and community development is for India’s overall development

6. Introductory Animal husbandry
COD E NO-AG-105)

• Students will able to apply concepts of animal Physiology, breeding for producing outstanding progenies.
• Feeding system for economic and profitable animal production Programme.

7. Introductory Biology
(CODE NO-AG-110B)(Remedial Course)

• To understand and interpret the primary biological literature in their area of interest.

• To understand the role of cell organelles and their functions
To design, conduct, analyse and communicate biological research.
To explain the process of organic evolution and its underlying principles and mechanisms.
To understand the fundamental biological processes of metabolism, homeostasis, reproduction, development, and genetics, and the relationships between the form and function of biological structures at the molecular, cellular, organismal, population, and ecosystem levels of the biological hierarchy.
To explain the importance of biodiversity at the genetic, organismal, community, and global scales.

B.Sc. Ag IInd Semester
S.No. Name of Course Outcome
1 Crop Production Technology- I (Kharif Crops)(
(Crop Production Technology- I (Kharif Crops)(

• Acquaintance with the knowledge on Kharif crops, their classification (cereal, oilseed, pulse, sugar and fodder crops) and their importance in agriculture and national economy.
• Discussion on the origin, economic importance, geographical distribution of Kharif crops.
• Knowledge of the production techniques of Kharif crops along with understanding of the current advances in crop production technologies.

2. Fundamentals of Plant Biochemistry

To acquaint knowledge on the applications and scope of biochemistry, classification, composition, properties, structural formula, occurrence, of carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids
To know about lipids, enzymes, vitamins, alkaloids, nucleic acid, and metabolism of carbohydrates: Glycolysis
To provide comprehensive understanding of qualitative and quantitative test for carbohydrates and amino acids, reducing and non –reducing sugar.

3. Fundamentals of Entomology-I(
(CODE NO-AG-203)

To understand the knowledge of Insect
To know insects morphology, Anatomy, sense organs.
To know General introduction of phylum Arthropoda, its various classes & their character with reference to class-Insecta
To know the development & post embryonic development. To know about taxonomy

4. Fundamental of Agricultural Economics
(CODE NO-AG-204)

Investigate, critique and evaluate the cost benefits.
Students will be able to collaborate , identify multiple erspective of cost in agriculture.
Students will be able to demostrate, implement, create and apply the laws in agriculture.
Students will develop comprehensive understading about economic concept like Demand and Supply ,national income –GNP,GDP,NNP and NDP
Students able to understand concepts of Money, Population and economics systems.

5. Principles of Organic Farming
(CODE NO-AG-205)

Ability to explain definition, concept, importance and scope of organic farming in India.
Propagation of the initiatives taken by govt. (Central/state), NGO and other organisation for promotion of organic agriculture.
Discussion on organic agriculture in relation to the choice of crop and their varieties, nutrient management, weed and plant-protection measures under organic mode.
Familiarity with the certification process and standards of organic farming.
Developing understanding of Indigenous Technology knowledge (ITK) for inputs used in organic farming, quality aspects, grading, packaging as well as handling of organic outputs.

6. Fundamentals of Plant Pathology
(CODE NO-AG-206)

Student will acquaint about concepts of plant pathogens, major disease causing organisms and their etiology.
The student knows about the early development & role of different micro-organism in development of plant disease.
The students have knowledge with general characteristics of fungi, bacteria, virus and mycoplasma like organisms causing plant diseases.
To provide specific knowledge about host pathogen interactions.
Recognition of plant disease is the first step in doing something about them.
To give specific knowledge about environment and disease development.
The students gain knowledge on general concepts and classification of plant diseases.
On successful completion of this course and basing on the diversified course outcomes this course offers a good scope for students in employment sector.

7. Productiontechnologyofvegetableand spices
(CODE NO-AG-207)

Educate production technology of vegetables and spices.
Imparting knowledge about botany and taxonomy, climatic and soil requirements, commercial varieties/hybrids, sowing/planting times and methods, seed rate and seed treatment, nutritional and irrigation requirements, intercultural operations, weed control, mulching, physiological disorders, harvesting, post-harvest management, plant protection measures and seed production of vegetables and spices.

8. Fundamentals of Plant Pathology
(CODE NO-AG-206)

To critically analyse the meaning, definition and types of education
To appreciate the importance and scope of extension education
To appraise the process, principles and steps in extension programme planning
To understand the evolution of Indian Agricultural Extension System
To get acquainted with the emerging trends in agricultural extension
To analyse how crucial the rural development and community development is for India’s overall development.

9. Dairy Processing and Safety issues
(CODE NO-AG-209)

Studies learn about technologies to handle physical aspects of fluid based process and learn about various quality and safety issues.

B.Sc. Ag IIIrd Semester
S.No. Name of Course Outcome
1. Crop Production Technology- I (Kharif Crops)(
(CODE NO-AG-301)

Acquaintance with the knowledge on Kharif crops, their classification (cereal, oilseed, pulse, sugar and fodder crops) and their importance in agriculture and national economy.
Discussion on the origin, economic importance, geographical distribution of Kharif crops.
Knowledge of the production techniques of Kharif crops along with understanding of the current advances in crop production technologies.

2. Practical Crop Production- I (Kharif Crops)
(CODE NO-AG-302)

Distinguishing all Kharif crops in the field along with getting familiar with their cultivation practices.
Understanding about soil, climate and crop parameters influencing sowing, germination, growth and yield of Kharif crops.
Knowledge about calculation of fertilizer requirements, yield attributing characters, calculation of yield etc.
Identification of weeds associated with Kharif season crops.
Knowledge about Varieties of Kharif crops.
Visit to experimental farms and research centres

3. Farm Structures, Power and Machinery
(CODE NO-AG-303)

To understand the mode of reproduction and pollination in crops
To learn breeding procedures in self and cross-pollinated crops
To understand the exploitation of heterosis utilizing male sterility and other methods
To know about the various population improvement programs
To understand the fundamentals of mutation, polyploidy and wide hybridization and their role in crop improvement.

4. Agricultural microbiology
(CODE NO-AG-304)

Student will understand the basics of different types of microorganism, their activities, role in soil fertility, human welfare, nutrient cycling, agriculture residue degradation, rhizosphere and phyllosphere.
Students will also learn the principle of microscopy, method of sterilization, isolation and purification of microbial cultures.

5. Agricultural Finance and Cooperation

To Understand the significance of Finance in Agricultural development.
To know the need of agricultural credit & various credit financing institutions.
To learn the meaning and concept of Agricultural Cooperation and its development in India.
To understand micro financing schemes.
To understand the finance fundamentals such as application of balance sheet, P/L account and feasibility report.
To equip students with ability to critically understand problems of agricultural finance, process of banking system and working of Regional Rural Banks(RRBs).

6. Farm Machinery and Power
(CODE NO-AG-306)

Various sources of farm power and their uses
About working of diesel engine
About various parts of tractors and their mechanism
Financial aspects of using farm power
The various implements used in agricultural operations.

7. Principles of Integrated Disease Management
(CODE NO-AG-307)

Student will know importance of sign and symptoms for detection of pathogens and disease.
Student acquires the knowledge of Integrated methods of disease management.
Learn about biological and chemicals in disease management.
Gain the knowledge about IDM modules of Wheat, Rice, Groundnut, Mustard Potato, Cumin, Citrus and Chickpea diseases.
Epidemiology is the study of distribution and determinants of disease frequency in human populations, with a particular focus on the occurrence of disease as categorized by time, place and persons.
Five major tasks of epidemiology in public health practice were identified: public health surveillance, field investigation, analytic studies, evaluation, and linkages.

8. Fundamentals of Soil and Water Conservation

This course deals with different method for conservation of soil and water.

9. Dairy Science
(CODE NO-AG-311)

Studies will learn about processing, handling and manufacturing of milk and milk products along with its Physico-chemical and microbiological qualities.

B.Sc. Ag IVth Semester
S.No. Name of Course Outcome
1. Crop Production Technology- II (Rabi Crops)

Familiarity with Rabi crops, their classification (cereal, oilseed, pulse, sugar, tuber and forage crops) and their significance in agriculture as well as in the national economy.
Discussion on the origin, economic importance and geographical distribution of Rabi crops.
Knowledge of Rabi crops production technology, improved agronomic practices and current advancements.

2. Practical Crop Production- II (Rabi Crops)

Recognising all Rabi crops in the field and being acquainted with their production methods.
Understanding of how soil, temperature, rainfall and crop factors affect Rabi crops' germination, growth and yield.
Knowledge about calculation of fertilizer and seed requirements, yield attributing characters, calculation of yield etc.
Identification of weeds associated with Rabi season crops.
Knowledge about Varieties of Rabi crops.
Visit to experimental farms and research centres.

3. Principles of Seed Technology

To start a seed production program to fulfill the requirement for quality seed in the market and increase income.
To understand the storage of pure variety seed to avoid the availability crises of pure variety seed due to adverse environmental conditions.
To supply the disease-free seed in the market to get the environment-friendly cultivation of crops.
To increase the farm income by producing high-yielding disease-free quality seeds and decrease the cost of cultivation also.
To produce hybrid seeds of different crops to increase farm income.

4. Problematic Soils and their Management
(CODE NO-AG-404)

This course will help students to understand the soil quality and health, distribution, categorization, reclamation, and management of problematic and polluted soils of India
Quality and standard of irrigation water used in agriculture, Application of Remote sensing and GIS in diagnosis and management of problem soils.
Along with this student will learn practical aspects of pH, EC, Lime and Gypsum requirement, ESP and SAR determination in soil.

5. Fundamentals of Plant Biotechnology(

To introduce students to the principles, practices and applications of plant biotechnology, plant tissue culture and molecular breeding of plants.
To know about Marker Assisted Breeding in crop improvement.
To know about DNA markers and their application.
To learn about synthetic seeds and their significance.
To understand the application of plant tissue culture in crop improvement.
To solve the difficulties of convention breeding.

6. Renewable Energy and Green Technology
(CODE NO-AG-406)

Able to understand renewable energy sources available
Able to understand conversion of biomass for biofuels as biodiesel, bio alcohol and biogas
Able to understand solar energy operation and its use for pumping water, heating water and electricity
To understand wind energy and its application in agriculture
To understand advantages of biofuel for increasing farmers income and role of biofuel in environmental protection.

7. Production technology For Ornamental Crops, MAPs and landscaping

Familiarizationwithprinciplesandpracticesoflandscapingandornamental gardening and Production Technology of Different MAPs Crops .
Impartbasicknowledgeabouttheimportanceandproductiontechnologyofcutflowers grown inIndia.
Educate the students about scope of cut flowers in global trade, global scenario of cutflowerproduction,varietalwealthanddiversity, area under cut flowersand productionprobleminIndia-Patentright,nursery management,mediafornursery,special nurserypractices.
Growingenvironment,opencultivation,protectedcultivation,soilrequirements,artificialgrowingmedia,soildecontaminationtechniques,plantingmethods,influenceofenvironmentalparameters,light, temperature, moisture, humidityand CO2 on growth and flowering.
Landscapedesigns,itsprinciplesandpracticesoflandscapingand ornamental
Stylesofgarden,typesofgardens:English,Mughal,Japanese,Persian,Spanish,Italian, Vanes, Buddha garden, Popular gardens of India.
Impart comprehensive knowledge about the production technology of medicinal andaromaticcrops.
Knowledge of production technology for Senna, Periwinkle, Coleus, Aswagandha, Glory lily, Sarpagandha, Dioscorea sp., Aloe vera, Phyllanthus amarus ,Andrographis paniculata.

8. Entrepreneurship Development and Business Communication

To differentiate between an entrepreneur, entrepreneur and entrepreneurship
To instil the qualities of an entrepreneur in students
To identify the key steps required to initiate and develop a business enterprise
To understand and apply SWOT analysis within the development of a business
To recognise the value of problem solving, effective business management and entrepreneurial thinking to business development
To be aware of government policy and programs and institutions for entrepreneurship development
To critically examine the impact of economic reforms on Agribusiness/Agri-enterprise
To appreciate the scope of agri-preneurship and rural enterprise
To develop leadership skills and problem solving skills among the students.

9. Poultry Production and management

This course will enlighten about the scientific operation of poultry farming.
Learning of poultry farming will generate a source of employment opportunities in rural areas and employment of the farmer

B.Sc. Ag Vth Semester
S.No. Name of Course Outcome
1. Rainfed and Dryland Agriculture

Ability to define and discuss the characteristics and soil and climatic conditions prevalent in rainfed and dryland areas.
Understanding about the extent of rain
fed/ dryland areas in UP and India.
Gaining knowledge about drought, its effect on crop plants, mechanism of crop adaptation under moisture deficit conditions and contingent crop planning for aberrant weather situations.
Understanding about the problems and prospects of rainfed and dryland agriculture in India and contribution of these areas to our food basket.
Knowledge about the management of crop, soil, water and other natural resources in rainfed/ dryland areas.
Ability to interpret meteorological data and to plan crop production (e.g. choice of crops, irrigation) in rainfed/ dryland areas, accordingly.

2. Crop Improvement-1 (Kharif Crops)

To learn about floral biology, emasculation and hybridization techniques in Kharif crops.
To learn the importance of wild relatives to produce new varieties of Kharif crops.
To understand to apply the breeding method to improve Kharif crops.
To understand hybrid seed production technology in Kharif crops.
To learns the identification of resistance gene, related to Kharif crop with high yield potential against pest and pathogen and utilization of that genes.
To understand new genetic approaches to achieve a definite ideotype of the Kharif crop.

3. Pests of field crops, stored grains and their management

Students will learn the distribution, biology and bionomics of different insect pests
Student able to identify the nature and damage symptoms of different insect pests
Student will determine the insect infestation with the help of different identification methods
Students will able to calculate the doses of different formulation of pesticides
Students will learn the use of different plant protection appliances
Students will able to identify

4. Agricultural marketing, trade and prices

Student will be able to identify the essential marketing functions of buying, selling, transporting, storing, financing, standardizing, pricing and risk bearing.

To evaluate the alternatives in marketing of agriculture produce.

To develop critical ability about economic principles in marketing of agril commodities.

To develop understanding of different types of markets & their role, Marketing organizations and market channel.

To learn the problems of marketing of Ag, produce.

To understand the process of export and import of agriculture produce.

To demonstrate the role of government and cooperative in Agricultural Marketing.

5. Protected Cultivation and Secondary Agriculture

It will aware students about different aspects of greenhouse structures, their planning and design
Greenhouse equipment’s, materials of construction
To understand engineering properties such as physical, thermal and aero and hydrodynamic nature of agricultural produce
To understand various drying methods for agricultural produce and moisture measurement
To understand material handling equipment’s, their principle, working and collection.

6. Diseases of field and horticultural crops and their Management-I
(CODE NO-AG-506)

Student will know the common pathogens of different diseases.
Student acquire the knowledge about etiology, and symptoms of these diseases which helps in diagnosis of the diseases of field and horticultural crops
By knowing means of dispersal of these diseases suitable management methods can be applied.
Eco-friendly and economically suitable management practices may be adopted.
Skill Development: This course will help the students in accurate identification of the diseases under farmer field conditions and suggesting efficient and cost-effective management strategies against them.
The course will help students for joining the plant protection related agribusiness firms and multinational companies.

7. Production Technology For fruit and Plantation Crops
(CODE NO-AG-507)

Impart basic knowledge about the importance and management of fruits (Mango, Apple, Bael Aonla Pear, Guava, Pomegranate, etc. ) and Plantation(Tea, Coffee, Cacao, Rubber, Cashewnut, Arecanut etc.) cropsgrowninIndia.
Study of commercial varieties of regional, national and international importance, eco-physiological requirements, recent trends in propagation, rootstock influence, plantingsystem, cropping systems, root zone and canopy management, nutrient management,watermanagement,fruitsetanddevelopment,abioticfactorslimitingfruitproduction, physiological of flowering, and remedies, quality improvementbymanagementpractices;maturityindices,harvesting,grading,packing,precooling,storage,transportationandripeningtechniques;industrialandexportpotential,Agri ExportZones (AEZ)andindustrial

8. Communication Skills and Personality Development

To understand the process and principles of communication
To critically examine the models, barriers to effective communication and ways to eliminate the barriers
To hone the communication skills to be an integral part of the communication network
To emphasize the essential aspects of written communication necessary for professional success
To discuss the concept and meaning of diffusion and adoption of innovation
To critically analyse the process and stages of adoption and adopter categories

9. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

To understand the concept of intellectual property rights.
To develop procedural knowledge of the legal system and solve the problem relating to intellectual property rights.
To pursue professional programs in company secretaryship, law, business, agriculture, international affairs, public administration and other fields.
To establish as a legal consultancy and service provider.

10. Principal of Food Science and Nutrition
(CODE NO-AG-510)

Acquire knowledge regarding composition of food.
Apply the knowledge of biological sciences as a basis for understand the role of food and nutrition in heath and diseases.
Design solution for health and nutritional problems and design product that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal and environmental consideration.
Understand the impact of food processing and preservation solution in societal and environmental context, and the demonstrate the knowledge that need for sustainable development

11. Geo-Informatics and Nano Technology
(CODE NO-AG-511)

This course is useful for students to have basic understanding regarding concept and technique of precision agriculture and geo-informatics (a tool used in precision agriculture) and their concern in Indian agriculture.
Use of Geospatial technologies in soil mapping, yield monitoring, fertilizer recommendation and Crop discrimination.
Nanotechnology concept, definition, classification and their use in scaling up farm productivity. Practical applicability of GIS, GPS and Remote sensing in agriculture.

12. Agri-business Management
(CODE NO-AGE-51)(Elective Course)

To learn about the transformation of agriculture into agribusiness for raising indian economy and new agricultural policy.
To discuss the importance and needs of agro-based industries for development.
To understand management functions, their roles and activities, organization culture.
To examine the components in a business plan and list the steps in implementation.
Question the marketing aspects like trade, polisy, consumers, financial statements and so on.

13. Agrochemicals
(CODE NO-AGE-52)(Elective Course)

This course enables student to learn basic concept, classification, properties, mode of action ,characteristics, preparation fate of agrochemicals and management for sustainable agriculture.
Along with this sampling of fertilizers , pesticides and their quick test for identification and elemental composition

14. Commercial Plant Breeding
(CODE NO-AGE-53) (Elective Course)

To gain expertise in hybrid seed production techniques.
To handle segregating populations in major crops.
To understand line development and maintenance breeding in self and cross-pollinated crops (A/B/R and two-line system) for the development of hybrids and seed production.
To understand IPR issues in commercial plant breeding.
To learn about DUS testing and registration of varieties under PPV & FR act.
To understand about variety testing, release and notification systems in India

15. Landscaping
(CODE NO-AGE-54) (Elective)

Familiarization with principles and practices of landscaping
Impart basic knowledge about the importance and production technology of cut flowers grown in India.
Educate the students about scope of cut flowers in global trade, global scenario of cut flower production, varietal wealth and diversity, area under cut flowers and production problem in India- Patent right, nursery management, media for nursery, special nursery practices.
Growing environment, open cultivation, protected cultivation, soil requirements, artificial growing media, soil decontamination techniques, planting methods, influence of environmental parameters, light, temperature, moisture, humidity and CO2 on growth and flowering.
Landscape designs, its principles and practices of landscaping and ornamental.
Gardening structure features.
Styles of garden, types of gardens: English, Mughal, Japanese, Persian, Spanish, Italian, Vanes, Buddha garden, Popular gardens of India

16. Biopesticides and Biofertilizers
(CODE NO-AGE-56) (Elective)

To be able to understand the history, scope and potential of biopesticides
To be able to understand the concept and classification of biopesticides
To be able to differentiate different classes of biopesticides viz., Pathogens, botanicals pesticides and Biorational pesticides
To be able to understand the mass production technology and their specific uses
To be able to understand the application methods of different class of biopesticides
To be able to understand the current status and scope of Biofertilizers
To be able to understand the structure and characteristic features of bacterial & fungal Biofertilizers
To be able to understand the production technology and quality control
To be able to apply their knowledge to store & maintain shelf life.

B.Sc. Ag VI th Semester
S.No. Name of Course Outcome
1. Farming System, Precision Farming and Sustainable Agriculture

Ability to define and explain the concept, importance as well as scope of farming system.
To study the important farming and cropping systems and their contribution in sustainable agriculture in India.
Gaining knowledge about Integrated Farming System and precision farming with their issues and concerns for Indian agriculture.
To understand the definition, concept, importance and advantages of sustainable agriculture in comparison to conventional agriculture.
Discussion on the sustainable agriculture in relation to tillage, fertilizers, Irrigation, weeds and other plant protection measures.
To develop basic understanding about HEIA, LEIA, LEISA and precision farming with their techniques for sustainability

2. Crop Improvement - II (Rabi Crops)

To learn about floral biology, emasculation and hybridization techniques in Rabi crops.
To learn the importance of wild relatives to produce new varieties of Rabi crops.
To understand to apply the breeding method to improve Rabi crops.
To understand hybrid seed production technology in Rabi crops.
To learns the identification of resistance gene, related to Rabi crop with high yield potential against pest and pathogen and utilization of that genes.
To understand new genetic approaches to achieve a definite ideotype of Rabi crops.

3. Manures, Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management

This course will provide insight into the history of soil fertility and plant nutrition , Classification , importance, preparation of manures and fertilizer ,fertilizer recommendation approaches ,INM,FCO,criteria of essentiality, role, deficiency and toxicity symptoms.
They learn the mechanism of uptake and transport of minerals in plants, soil fertility evaluation, soil testing and critical level of nutrient in soil.
They will also get acquainted with estimation of major and micronutrient in plant and soil.

4. Farm management production and resource economics

To learn about different type of farming systems.
To learn about different principles of farm management
To learn about different costs calculation of farm and agricultural produce
To learn about maintenance of farm record.
To learn about measurement of farm efficiency.
Todevelop understand about farm budgeting procedures.
To sensitize students about the risk in farming business

5. Diseases of field and horticultural crops and their Management-II
(CODE NO- AG-605)

Student will know the common pathogens of different diseases.
Students acquire the knowledge about etiology, and symptoms of these diseases which helps in diagnosis of the diseases of field and horticultural crops.
By knowing means of dispersal of these diseases suitable management methods can be applied.
Eco-friendly and economically suitable management practices may be adopted.
The course will help students for joining the plant protection related agribusiness firms and multinational companies.
The successful completion of the course will also instill confidence in the students for setting up agri-clinics, farmer oriented service centers and other agri-enterprises.

6. Post-Harvest Management and value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables

Facilitate deeper understanding on principles and methods of postharvest managementofhorticultural crops.
Maturity indices, harvesting practices for specific market requirements, influence ofpreand post-harvest practices,respiration,transpiration loss.
Physiology and biochemical change during ripening, senescence, ethylene evolutionandethylenemanagement,factorsleadingtopost-harvestlossanditscontrol,pre-cooling.
Study of postharvest lossandtheir control.
Teachthe physiologyand principle offruit andvegetablepreservation.
Fundamentalsofpreservation(principlesandpractices).Micro-organismassociated with spoilageoffruitsand vegetables. Source of micro-organism,conditions,infection and control.
Variousmethodsofpreservationlikelowtemperaturepreservation,refrigeration,cellarstorage, freezing,vacuum freezing,high temperaturepreservation.

7. Beneficial insects and pests of horticultural crops and their management
(CODE NO- AG-608)

To be able to understand types of silkworm and their biology
Students can adopt sericulture, apiculture and lac culture as an entrepreneur
To understand the commercial rearing methods of beneficial insects, required equipments and their seasonal management
Student will learn the social behaviour of honey bee
Student able to apply their knowledge in the identification and management of diseases of beneficial insects
To be able to understand the different developmental stages and seasonal history of insect pests attacking horticultural and vegetable crops
To identify and understand the use of different biocontrol agents for sustainable agriculture
To identify the harmful stage and damage symptoms of different insect pests.

8. Protected Cultivation
(CODE NO- AG-61)(Elective)

• Understandingtheprinciple,theoreticalaspectsanddevelopingskillsinprotectedcultivationof horticultural crops.
• ProspectsofprotectedhorticultureinIndia;Typesofprotectedstructures-Greenhouse, poly house, shade houses, rain shelters etc. Low cost/Medium, cost/Highcost structures, Location specific designs; Structural components;Suitablehorticultural crops forprotected cultivation.

9. Hi- Tech Horticulture
(CODE NO- AG-62) (Elective)

• Students Able to Describe about Basic Concept of High-Tech Horticulture,Nursery Management and Mechanization.
• Educate the students about Micro- Propagation of Horticultural Crops. Modern Field Preparation Technique and Planting Methods.
• Components of Precision Farming: Remote sensing, Geographical Information System (GIS)
• Application of Precision Farming in Horticultural Crop.

10. Weed Management
(CODE NO- AG-63)(Elective)

Developing understanding about the concept, meaning, definition as well as general characteristics of weeds and their problems.
Identification and categorization of the weed species in different classes of agricultural areas.
Discussion on the basic principles and concept of prevention, management and eradication of weeds.
Knowledge of herbicide formulations, spraying equipment and calculations related to herbicidal dose, weed control efficiency and weed index.
Introduction to mode of action of herbicides, allelopathy, bio-herbicides and concept of herbicide mixture.
Knowledge of herbicide compatibility with agro-chemicals, Integrated Weed Management and herbicide resistance.

11. System Simulation and Agro Advisoryt
(CODE NO- AG-63) (Elective)

Students will gain knowledge of crop relation with soil and atmosphere
Proper understanding of crop-weather calendars
Understanding of use of statistical approach in data analysis for weather forecasting
Understanding the preparation of agro advisory bulletin based on weather forecast
Understand the importance of advisory services for farmers to enhance agricultural production and cost reduction.

12. Agricultural Journalism
(CODE NO-AG-65)(Elective)

To understand the nature and scope of agricultural journalism and to inculcate the skills of the agricultural journalist
To compare and contrast agricultural journalism and other types of journalism
To discuss the kinds and functions of newspapers and magazines
To develop different types of agricultural stories
To appreciate the use of photographs and artwork in agricultural journalism
To practise editorial mechanics like copy reading, headline, title writing , proof reading and lay outing.

B.Sc. Ag VII th Semester
S.No. Name of Course Outcome
1. Rural Agricultural Work Experience
(RAWE) and Agro- Industrial Attachment (AIA)

Developing understanding about the rural setting in relation to agriculture and allied activities.
Acquiring analytical and remedial knowledge about agronomical, plant protection and soil improvement interventions through on field training.
Recognizing the potential of food processing, proper storage techniques and mixed farming in increasing farmers’ income.
Boosting the communication skills along with insight to extension methodologies.
Acquaintance with agro and cottage industries and commodities Boards.
Knowledge of structure, functioning, objectives and mandates of the allotted industry.
Understanding about the contribution of the industries in regional and national economy and in employment generation.
Skill development through hands-on training in agro-industries and various processing units.
Promoting industrial and professional ethics among students along with understanding about contribution of industries towards environmental sustainability.