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NIRF 2025
E-Learning Matter Search
Select Class
M.Sc.(Ag) Agronomy
M.Sc.(Ag) Horticulture
M.Sc.(Ag) Ag. Chemistry
M.Sc. Botany
B.Sc. Physics
B.Sc. Chemistry
B.Sc. Maths
B.Sc. Zoology
B.Sc. Botany
Select Year
Select Subject
Principals of agronomy D-191
Fundamental of soil science D-192
Elements of genetics D-193
Elementary statistics and applied mathematics D-194
Agricultural meteorology D-195
Rural sociology and educational psychology D-196
Fundamental of horticulture D-197
Structural & spoken english D-199
Physical Education D-198
Irrigation and water management D-291
Fundamentals of extension education and rural development D292
Elementary crop physiology D-293
Elementry entomology D-294
Intoductory plant pathology D-295
Elementary plant bio chemistry and chemistry of plant products D-296
Agricultural marketing export and cooperation D-297
Cereals, millets and pulses crop (kharif crops) D-391
Principals of plant breeding D-392
Farm structures, power and machinery D-393
Environmental science and agro ecology D-394
Natural resource economics and farm management economics D-395
Vegetable production D-396
Elementary microbiology and soil microbiology D-397
Rabi crops oil seeds and commercials (fields crops-ii) D-491
Breeding of field crops D-492
Principals of soil physics and conservation D-493
Livestock production and management and including poultry D-494
Economic entomology D-495
Fruit production D-496
Introduction to plant biotechnology D-591
Milk and milk processing and human nutrition D-592
Preservation of fruit and vegetable post harvest management of fruits and vegetables D-593
Crop pests and integrated pest management D-594
Weed management D-595
Crop diseases and their management D-596
Soil fertility, fertilizers and integrated nutrient management D-597
Principles of seed technology D-691
Dairy product technology D-692
Post harvest engineering D-693
Farming system and sustainable agriculture D-694
Agriculture finance, business management and trade D-695
History and development of agri research and communication and difusion of agriculture innovation and trade D-696
Plant pathology practical D-697
Ornamental horticulture D-698
Rainfed agriculture D-791
Silviculture and agro - forestry D-792
Production technology of medicinal aromatic & spices crops D-793
Rawe D-891
Fundamental of bio-statistics and computer application J-1004
Modern concept of crop production J-1005
Kharif crops J-1006
Management of problem soil J-1007
Statistical method in agriculture J-2004
Principles and practices of water management J-2005
Soil fertility management and fertilizer use J-2006
Rabi crops J-2007
Principle and practices of weed management J-3005
Soil conservation and watershed management J-3006
Agronomy of fodder, forage, medicinal and aromatic crops J-3007
Organic farming J-3008
Dry land agronomy J-4005
Agro forestry and sustainable agriculture J-4006
Crop ecology and geographyCrop ecology and geography J-4007
Seed production agronomy J-4008
Fundamental of bio- statistics and computer application J-1004
Fundamental of vegetable production J-1061
Propagation and nursery management J-1062
Fundamentals of ornamentals gardening J-1063
Production technology of vegetables crops and spices J-2061
Orchard management J-2062
Production technology of ornamentals crops J-2063
Fundamental of fruit production J-3061
Breeding of vegetables and ornamental J-3062
Fundamentals of preservation o horticulture crops J-3063
Post harvest technology of horticulture J-3064
Production of fruits crops J-4061
Breeding of fruits crops J-4062
Processing of fruits and vegetables J-4063
Seed production technology of vegetables and flowers J-4064
Physical chemistry & analytical techniques J-1031
Plant bio chemistry J-1032
Soil genesis, classification and survey J-1033
Soil physics J-2031
Soil fertility J-2032
Soils of india J-2033
Plant bio chemistry J-3031
Soil chemistry J-3032
Soil chemical and balance fertilizer J-3033
Soil biology J-3034
Soil mineralogy J-4031
Fertilizer and manure J-4032
Soil and environment J-4033
Soil biology & bio chemistry J-4034
Angiosperm taxonomy, plant resources and utilization H-1001
Biology and diversity of viruses and bacteria H-1002
Biology and diversity of algae and bryophytes B-1003
Gymnosperms and palaeobotany B-1004
Fungal biodiversity and elementary plant pathology H-2001
Cell and molecular biology of plants H-2002
Genetics, cytogenetics and plant breeding H-2003
Anatomy and reproduction in angiosperms H-2004
Plant-soil-water relations & growth and development H-3001
Phytochemistry and metabolism H-3002
Plant ecology and phytogeography B-3003
Elementary biotechnology H-3004
Modern phytotechniques and biostatistics H-4001
Biodiversity conservation and plant resources H-4002
Mechanics and wave motion B-116
Kinetic theory and thermodynamics B-117
Circuit fundamentals and basic electronics C-103
Physical optics and lasers B-216
Electromagnetics B-217
Elements of quantum mechanics, atomic and moleculars spectra B-218
Relativity and statistical physics B-316
Solid state and nuclear physics B-317
Solid state electronics B-318
Inorganic chemistry B-106
Organic chemistry B-107
Physical chemistry B-108
Inorganic chemistry B-206
Organic chemistry B-207
Physical chemistry B-208
Inorganic chemistry B-306
Organic chemistry B-307
Physical chemistry B-308
Algebra & trigonometry B-106
Calculus B-127
Linear algebra and matrices B-226
Differential equations & integral trams- forms B-227
Mechanics B-228
Real analysis B-326
Linear programming B-327
Numerical methods & computer fundamentals B-328
Lower non - chordata B-120
Higher non- chordata B-121
Cell biology & genetics B-122
Applied & economic zoology B-320
Biotechnology, immunology biological tools & techniwue and bio-statistics B-321
Ecology, microbiology, animal behaviour, pollution taxicology B-322
Sports and Physical Education B-001
Sports and Physical Education B-002
Sports ans Physical Edication B-003
Sports ans Physical Edication B-003
Diversity of algae, lichens and bryophytes B-102
Diversity of pteridophytes and gymnosperms B-103
Diversity of angiosperms: systematics, development, and reproduction B-201
Cytology, genetics, evolution and ecology B-202
Plant physiology and biochemistry B-203
Plant resource utilization, palynology,plant pathology and biostatistics B-301
Molecular biology and biotechnology B-302
Environmental botany B-303
Business communication C-101
Business statistic C-102
Financial accounting C-103
Business regulatory frame work C-104
Business economics C-105
Business environment C-106
Sports and Physical Education C-001
Corporate law C-201
Cost accounting C-202
Principles of business management C-203
Income tax C-204
Fundaments of entrepreneurship C-205
Public finance C-206
Sports and Physical Education C-002
Corporate accounting C-301
Auditing C-302
Principles of marketing C-303
Economic laws C-304
E-commerce C-305
Management accounting C-306
Sports and Physical Education C-003
Select Semester