: 0131-2621744
: ccrpgcollege@gmail.com

Programme outcomes B.Sc. (Biology and Mathematics)

B.Sc. degree offer theoretical as well as practical knowledge about different subject areas. These subject areas included physics, chemistry and Mathematics.

This program course is most beneficial for students who have a strong interest and background in science and mathematics. The course in also beneficial for students who wish to peruse multi and inter disciplinary science careers in future.

Students after completion graduation in Science will be able to

Programme Outcome

PO 1: The mathematics UG students after the completion of the course will give through knowledge in preparing competitive examinations conducted by UPSC/ UPPCS/BSRB. This course also offers opportunities for servicing in industry and for further academic study.

PO 2: The user curriculum offers need based computer course which enable the students to solve computer oriented numerical problems.

PO 3: Derive simple mathematical relations for physical systems based on law Physics, solve and interpret the results.

PO 4: Demonstrate the ability to justify and explain their thinking or approach both written and oral. Every student must participate in citizenship education activities every year.

PO 5: Choose appropriate online programmes for further learning participate in seminar and conferences.

PO 6: Graduate will understand the issues of environmental problems, biodiversity conservation human health and sustainability developments.

PO 7: Use appropriate tools and techniques for solving simple science problems. Work as a member of a scientific project team and communicate across teams.

PO 8: The student will be able to understand and apply the principles and techniques of molecular biology which prepares students for further career in molecular biology. They can independently execute a laboratory experiment using the standard methods and techniques.

PO 9 : The principles of genetic engineering, gene cloning, immunology and related technologies will enable students to play an important role in applications of biotechnology in various fields like agriculture, forensic sciences, industry and human health and make a career out of it.


B.Sc. Ist year
S.No. Name of Course Outcome
1. Fundamentals of Chemistry
(CODE NO- B020101T)

CO-1:Students will gain an understandingof molecular geometries and chemical properties of the molecules
CO-2: This course gives a broader theoretical picture in multiple stages in an overall chemical reaction.
CO-3: This course will provide a broad foundation in chemistry that stresses scientific reasoning and analytical problem solving with a molecular perspective.
CO-4: Students will get the clear picture of two-dimensional and three-dimensional structure of the molecules, and their role in reaction mechanism.

2. Practical
(CODE NO- B030102P)

CO-1::This course equips the student to plot the different graph and solve the different types of equations by plotting the graph using different computer software such as Mathematica /MATLAB /Maple /Scilab/Maxima
CO-2: After completion of this course student would be able to know the convergence of sequences through plotting, verify Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem through plotting the sequence
CO-3: Student would be able to plot Complex numbers and their representations

3. Quantitative analysis
(CODE NO- B020101T)

CO-1: Students will get the knowledge and skills to: understand the laboratory methods and tests related to estimation of metals ions
CO-2: Estimation of inorganic salts and hydrated water in samples
CO-3: Estimation of alkali and acid contents in samples

4. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
(CODE NO- B020201T)

CO-1: When studying biomolecules in this course one can understand the physiological function that regulates the proper growth and development of a human body.
CO-2:This course aims to introduce the students with basic experimental understanding of carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, and medicinal chemistry

5. Biochemical Analysis
(CODE NO- B020202P)

CO-1: This course will provide basic qualitative and quantitative experimental knowledge of biomolecules.
CO-2:Upon successful completion of this course students may get job opportunities in food, beverage, and pharmaceutical industries

B.Sc. IInd year
S.No. Name of Course Outcome
1. Chemical Dynamics &Coordination Chemistry
(CODE NO- B020301T)

CO-1: Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to describe the characteristic of the three states of matter
CO-2: After the completion of the course, Students will be able to understand .metal- ligand bonding in transition metal complexes, thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of metal complexes.
CO-3:This course provide insight intokinetic theory of gases, laws of crystallography , liquid state, and liquid crystals, conductometric, potentiometric, optical methods, polarimetry, and spectrophotometer techniques.

2. Physical Analysis
(CODE NO-B020302P)

CO-1: Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to calibrate apparatus and prepare solutions of various concentrations.
CO-2:: Estimation of components through volumetric analysis; to perform dilatometric experiments

3. Quantum Mechanics and Analytical Techniques
(CODE NO- B020401T )

CO-1:Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to describe atomic structure, elementary quantum mechanics ,wave function and its significance
CO-2: Basic ideas – Criteria for forming molecular orbital from atomic orbitals , Molecular Spectroscopy, Rotational Spectrum ,vibrational Electronic Spectrum: photo chemistry and kinetics of photo chemical reaction.
CO-3: Students will be able to explore new areas of research in both chemistry and allied fields of science and technology. ∙Students will be able to function as a member of an interdisciplinary problem-solving team.
CO-4: Students will gain an understanding of how to determine the structure of organic molecules using IR and NMR spectroscopic techniques.

4. Instrumental Analysis
(CODE NO- B020402P)

CO-1: To develop basic skills required for purification, solvent extraction, TLC and column chromatography.
CO-2: Upon completion of this course, chemistry majors are able to employ critical thinking and scientific inquiry in the performance, design, interpretation and documentation of laboratory experiments, at a level suitable to succeed at an entry-level position in chemical industry or a chemistry graduate program
CO-3: Students will be able to explore new areas of research in both chemistry and allied fields of science and technology.

B.Sc. IIIrd year
S.No. Name of Course Outcome
1. Organic Synthesis A
(CODE NO- B020501T)

CO-1: Students will gain an understanding of which are used as solvents and raw material for synthesis of drug and other pharmaceutically important compounds.
CO-2: Synthesis and chemical properties of aliphatic ,aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, halides carbonyl compounds, carboxylic acids and esters.
CO-3: How to design and synthesize aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons.
CO-4: How to convert aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons to other industrially important compounds.

2. Rearrangements and Chemistry of Group
(CODE NO- B020502T)

CO-1: This course provides detailed knowledge of synthesis of various class of organic compounds and functional groups inter conversion.
CO-2: It relates and gives an analytical aptitude for synthesizing various industrially important compounds.
CO-3: Organic synthesis is the most important branch of organic chemistry which provides jobs in production & QC departments related to chemicals, drugs, medicines, FMCG etc. industries.
CO-4: This paper also gives detailed understanding of the s, p, d and f block elements and their characteristics.

3. Qualitative Analysis
(CODE NO- B020503P)

CO-1: Upon completion of this course the students will have the knowledge and skills to: understand the laboratory methods and tests related to inorganic mixtures and organic compounds.
CO-2:Identification of acidic and basic radicals in inorganic mixtures. Separation of organic compounds from mixture
CO-3: Elemental analysis in organic compounds. Identification of functional group in organic compounds

4. Organic Synthesis B
(CODE NO- B020601T)

CO-1: This paper provides detailed knowledge of synthesis of various class of organic compounds and functional groups inter conversion.
CO-2: The study of natural products and heterocyclic compounds offers an excellent strategy toward identifying novel biological probes for a number of diseases
CO-3: It relates and gives an analytical aptitude for synthesizing various industrially important compounds.
CO-4: Learn the different types of alkaloids, & terpenes etc and their chemistry and medicinal importance. ∙ Explain the importance of natural compounds as lead molecules for new drug discovery.

5. Chemical Energetics and Radio Chemistry
(CODE NO- B020602T)

CO-1: Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to describe laws of thermodynamics and its applications.
CO-2: This course teaches us phase equilibria of one and two component system, electro chemistry ,ionic equilibrium applications of conductivity and potentiometric measurement

6. Analytical Method
(CODE NO- B020603P)

CO-1:Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to quantify the product obtained through gravimetric method
CO-2:Determination of Rƒ values and identification of organic compounds through paper and thin layer chromatography laboratory techniques: perform thermo chemicalreaction.


B.Sc. Ist Physics
S.No. Name of Course Outcome
1. Mathematical Physics & Newtonian Mechanics
(CODE NO-B010101T)

CO-1: Recognize the difference between scalars, vectors, pseudo-scalars, and pseudo-vectors.
CO-2:Understand the physical interpretation of gradient, divergence, and curl.
CO-3: Comprehend the difference and connection between Cartesian, spherical and cylindrical coordinate systems.
CO-4:Know the meaning of 4-vectors, Kronecker delta and Epsilon (Levi Civita) tensors.
CO-5: Study the origin of pseudo forces in rotating frame.
CO-6: Study the response of the classical systems to external forces and their elastic deformation.
CO-7: Understand the dynamics of planetary motion and the working of Global Positioning System (GPS).
CO-8:Comprehend the different features of Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) and wave propagation.

2. Mechanical Properties of Matter
(CODENO- B010102P)

CO-1:Experimental physics has the most striking impact on the industry wherever the instruments are used to study and determine the mechanical properties.
CO-2:: Measurement precision and perfection is achieved through Lab Experiments.
CO-3: Online Virtual Lab Experiments give an insight in simulation techniques and provide a basis for modeling.

3. Thermal Physics & Semiconductor Devices

CO-1:Recognize the difference between reversible and irreversible processes.
CO-2: Understand the physical significance of thermodynamical potentials.
CO-3: Comprehend the kinetic model of gases w.r.t. various gas laws.
CO-4: Study the implementations and limitations of fundamental radiation laws.
CO-5: Utility of AC bridges.
CO-6: Recognize the basic components of electronic devices.
CO-7: Design simple electronic circuits.
CO-8: Understand the applications of various electronic instruments.

4. Thermal Properties ofMatter& Electronic Circuits

CO-1: Experimental physics has the most striking impact on the industry wherever the instruments are used to study and determine the thermal and electronic properties.
CO-2: Measurement precision and perfection is achieved through Lab Experiments.
CO-3:Online Virtual Lab Experiments give an insight in simulation techniques and provide a basis for modeling.

B.Sc. IInd year
S.No. Name of Course Outcome
1. Electromagnetic Theory & Modern Optics

CO-1: Better understanding of electrical and magnetic phenomenon in daily life.
CO-2:To troubleshoot simple problems related to electrical devices.
CO-3:Comprehend the powerful applications of ballistic galvanometer.
CO-4:Study the fundamental physics behind reflection and refraction of light (electromagnetic waves).
CO-5:Study the working and applications of Michelson and Fabry-Perot interferometers. and recognize the difference between Fresnel’s and Fraunhofer’s class of diffraction.
CO-6: Comprehend the use of polarimeters and study the characteristics and uses of lasers.

2. Demonstrative Aspects of Electricity & Magnetism
(CODE NO-: B010302P)

CO-1:Experimental physics has the most striking impact on the industry wherever the instruments are used to study and determine the electric and magnetic properties.
CO-2:: Measurement precision and perfection is achieved through Lab 19.
CO-3: Experiments. Online Virtual Lab Experiments give an insight in simulation techniques and provide a basis for modeling.

3. Perspectives of Modern Physics & Basic Electronics
(CODE NO-B010401T)

CO-1: Recognize the difference between the structure of space & time in Newtonian & Relativistic mechanics.
CO-2: Understand the physical significance of consequences of Lorentz transformation equations.
CO-3:Comprehend the wave-particle duality.
CO-4:Develop an understanding of the foundational aspects of Quantum Mechanics.
CO-5:Study the comparison between various biasing techniques.
CO-6: Study the classification of amplifiers.
CO-7: Comprehend the use of feedback and oscillators and comprehend the theory and working of optical fibers along with its applications.

4. Basic Electronics Instrumentation
(CODE NO- B010402P)

CO-1: Basic Electronics instrumentation has the most striking impact on the industry wherever the components / instruments are used to study and determine the electronic properties
CO-2:Measurement precision and perfection is achieved through Lab Experiments.
CO-3:Online Virtual Lab Experiments give an insight in simulation techniques and provide a basis for modelling.

B.Sc. IIIrd year
S.No. Name of Course Outcome
1. Classical & Statistical Mechanics
(CODE NO- B010501T)

CO-1: Understand the concepts of generalized coordinates and Alembert’s principle. Understand the Lagrangian dynamics and the importance of cyclic coordinates.
CO-2:Comprehend the difference between Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics. Study the important features of central force and its application in Kepler’s problem.
CO-3:Recognize the difference between macrostate and microstate. Comprehend the concept of ensembles.
CO-4:Understand the classical and quantum statistical distribution laws. Study the applications of statistical distribution laws.

2. Quantum Mechanics &Spectroscopy
(CODE NO- B010502T)

CO-1::Understand the significance of operator formalism in Quantum mechanics. Study the eigen and expectation value methods
CO-2:: Understand the basis and interpretation of Uncertainty principle. Develop the technique of solving Schrodinger equation for 1D and 3D problems.
CO-3: Comprehend the success of Vector atomic model in the theory of Atomic spectra. Study the different aspects of spectra of Group I & II elements.
CO-4: Study the production and applications of X-rays. Develop an understanding of the fundamental aspects of Molecular spectra.

3. Demonstrative Aspects of Optics & Lasers
(CODE NO- B010503P)

CO-1: Experimental physics has the most striking impact on the industry wherever the instruments are used to study and determine the optical properties.
CO-2: Measurement precision and perfection is achieved through Lab Experiments. Online Virtual Lab Experiments give an insight in simulation techniques and provide a basis for modeling.

4. Solid State & Nuclear Physics
(CODE NO- B010601T)

CO-1: Understand the crystal geometry w.r.t. symmetry operations. Comprehend the power of X-ray diffraction and the concept of reciprocal lattice.
CO-2: Study various properties based on crystal bindings.Recognize the importance of Free Electron & Band theories in understanding the crystal properties.
CO-3: Study the salient features of nuclear forces & radioactive decays. Understand the importance of nuclear models & nuclear reactions.
CO-4: Comprehend the working and applications of nuclear accelerators and detectors.
CO-5: Understand the classification and properties of basic building blocks of nature.

5. Analog & Digital Principles& Applications
(CODE NO- BB010602T)

CO-1: Study the drift and diffusion of charge carriers in a semiconductor. Understand the Two-Port model of a transistor.
CO-2:Study the working, properties, and uses of FETs. Comprehend the design and operations of SCRs and UJTs.
CO-3: Understand various number systems and binary codes. Familiarize with binary arithmetic.
CO-4:Study the working and properties of various logic gates. Comprehend the design of combinational and sequential circuits.

6. Analog & Digital Circuits(
(CODE NO- B010603P)

CO-1: Analog & digital circuits have the most striking impact on the industry wherever the electronics instruments are used to study and determine the electronic properties.
CO-2:Measurement precision and perfection is achieved through Lab Experiments.
CO-3: Online Virtual Lab Experiments give an insight in simulation techniques and provide a basis for modeling


B.SC. Ist year
S.No. Name of Course Outcome
1. Differential Calculus & Integral Calculus

CO-1: The Programme outcome is to give foundation knowledge for the students to understand basics of mathematics including applied aspect for developing enhanced quantitative skills and pursuing higher mathematics and research as well.
CO-2:By the time students complete the course they will have wide ranging application of the subject and have the knowledge of real valued functions such as sequence and series. They will also be able to know about convergence of sequence and series. Also, they have knowledge about curvature, envelope and evolutes and trace curve in polar, Cartesian as well as parametric curves.
CO-3:The main objective of the course is to equip the student with necessary analytic and technical skills. By applying the principles of integral he learns to solve a variety of practical problems in science and engineering.
CO-4:The student is equipped with standard concepts and tools at an intermediate to advance level that will serve him well towards taking more advance level course in mathematics.

2. Practical
(CODENO- B030102P)

CO-1:The main objective of the course is to equip the student to plot the different graph and solve the different types of equations by plotting the graph using different computer software such as Mathematica /MATLAB /Maple /Scilab/Maxima etc.
CO-2:: After completion of this course student would be able to know the convergence of sequences through plotting, verify Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem through plotting the sequence, Cauchy’s root test by plotting n th roots and Ratio test by plotting the ratio of n th and (n + 1)th term.
CO-3: Student would be able to plot Complex numbers and their representations, Operations like addition, subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Modulus and Graphical representation of polar form.
CO-4: Student would be able to perform following task of matrix as Addition, Multiplication, Inverse, Transpose, Determinant, Rank, Eigenvectors, Eigenvalues, Characteristic equation and verification of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, Solving the systems of linear equations

3. Matrices and Differential Equations & Geometry
(CODENO- B030201T)

CO-1: The main objective of the course is to equip the student to plot the different graph and solve the different types of equations by plotting the graph using different computer software such as Mathematica /MATLAB /Maple /Scilab/Maxima etc.
CO-2: After completion of this course student would be able to know the convergence of sequences through plotting, verify Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem through plotting the sequence, Cauchy’s root test by plotting n th roots and Ratio test by plotting the ratio of n th and (n + 1)th term.
CO-3: Student would be able to plot Complex numbers and their representations, Operations like addition, subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Modulus and Graphical representation of polar form
CO-4:Student would be able to perform following task of matrix as Addition, Multiplication, Inverse, Transpose, Determinant, Rank, Eigenvectors, Eigenvalues, Characteristic equation and verification of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, Solving the systems of linear equations.

B.Sc. IInd year
S.No. Name of Course Outcome
1. Algebra & Mathematical Methods
(CODENO- B030301T)

CO-1: Group theory is one of the building blocks of modern algebra. Objective of this course is to introduce students to basic concepts of Group, Ring theory and their properties.
CO-2:A student learning this course gets a concept of Group, Ring, Integral Domain and their properties. This course will lead the student to basic course in advanced mathematics and Algebra.
CO-3: The course gives emphasis to enhance students’ knowledge of functions of two variables, Laplace Transforms, Fourier Series.
CO-4: On successful completion of the course students should have knowledge about higher different mathematical methods and will help him in going for higher studies and research.

2. Differential Equations & Mechanics
(CODENO- B030301T)

CO-1::The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with various methods of solving differential equations, partial differential equations of first order and second order and to have qualitative applications.
CO-2:: A student doing this course is able to solve differential equations and is able to model problems in nature using ordinary differential equations. After completing this course, a student will be able to take more courses on wave equation, heat equation, diffusion equation, gas dynamics, nonlinear evolution equation etc. These entire courses are important in engineering and industrial applications for solving boundary value problem.
CO-3:The object of the paper is to give students knowledge of basic mechanics such as simple harmonic motion, motion under other laws and forces.
CO-4: The student, after completing the course can go for higher problems in mechanic such as hydrodynamics, this will be helpful in getting employment in industry.

3. Group and Ring Theory & Linear Algebra
(CODENO- B030501T)

CO-1: Linear algebra is a basic course in almost all branches of science. The objective of this course is to introduce a student to the basics of linear algebra and some of its applications.
CO-2: Students will be able to know the concepts of group, ring and other related properties which will prepare the students to take up further applications in the relevant fields.
CO-3:The student will use this knowledge in computer science, finance mathematics, industrial mathematics, and bio mathematics. After completion of this course students appreciate its interdisciplinary nature.

B.Sc. IIIrd year
S.No. Name of Course Outcome
1. Number Theory & Game Theory
(CODENO- : B030502T)

CO-1: Upon successful completion, students will have the knowledge and skills to solve problems in elementary number theory and also apply elementary number theory to cryptography.
CO-2:This course provides an introduction to Game Theory. Game Theory is a mathematical framework which makes possible the analysis of the decision-making process of interdependent subjects. It is aimed at explaining and predicting how individuals behave in a specific strategic situation, and therefore help improve decision making.
CO-3:A situation is strategic if the outcome of a decision problem depends on the choices of more than one person. Most decision problems in real life are strategic.
CO-4:To illustrate the concepts, real-world examples, case studies, and classroom experiments might be used.

2. Graph Theory & Discrete Mathematics
(CODE N0-B030502T)

CO-1:Upon successful completion, students will have the knowledge of various types of graphs, their terminology and applications.
CO-2:: After Successful completion of this course students will be able to understand the isomorphism and homomorphism of graphs. This course covers the basic concepts of graphs used in computer science and other disciplines. The topics include path, circuits, adjacency matrix, tree, coloring. After successful completion of this course the student will have the knowledge graph coloring, color problem, vertex coloring.
CO-3: After successful completion, students will have the knowledge of Logic gates, Karnaugh maps and skills to proof by using truth tables. After Successful completion of this course students will be able to apply the basics of the automation theory, transition function and table.
CO-4: This course covers the basic concepts of discrete mathematics used in computer science and other disciplines that involve formal reasoning. The topics include logic, counting, relations, Hasse diagram and Boolean algebra. After successful completion of this course the student will have the knowledge in Mathematical reasoning, combinatorial analysis, discrete structures and Applications

3. Differential Geometry & Tensor Analysis
(CODE NO- B030502T)

CO-1: After Successful completion of this course, students should be able to determine and calculate curvature of curves in different coordinate systems.
CO-2: This course covers the Local theory of Curves, Local theory of surfaces, Geodesics, Geodesics curvature, Geodesic polars, Curvature of curves on surfaces, Gaussian curvature, Normal curvature etc.
CO-3:After Successful completion of this course, students should have the knowledge of tensor algebra, different types of tensors, Riemannian space, Ricci tensor, Einstein space and Einstein tensor etc.

(CODE NO- B030601T)

CO-1: The course is aimed at exposing the students to foundations of analysis which will be useful in understanding various physical phenomena and gives the student the foundation in mathematics.
CO-2: After completion of this course the student will have rigorous and deeper understanding of fundamental concepts in Mathematics. This will be helpful to the student in understanding pure mathematics and in research.
CO-3: Students will be able to know the concepts of metric space, basic concepts and developments of complex analysis which will prepare the students to take up further applications in the relevant fields

5. Numerical Analysis & Operations Research
(CODE NO- B030602T)

CO-1: The aim of this course is to teach the student the application of various numerical technique for variety of problems occurring in daily life. At the end of the course the student will be able to understand the basic concept of Numerical Analysis and to solve algebraic and differential equation.
CO-2: The main outcome will be that students will be able to handle problems and finding approximated solution. Later he can opt for advance course in Numerical Analysis in higher Mathematics.
CO-3:The student will be able to solve various problems based on convex sets and linear programming. After successful completion of this paper will enable the students to apply the basic concepts oftransportation problems and its related problems to apply in further concepts and application of operations research.

6. Practical
(CODE NO- B030602T)

CO-1: The main objective of the course is to equip the student to solve the transcendental and algebraic equations, system of linear equations, ordinary differential equations, Interpolation, Numerical Integration, Method of finding Eigenvalue by Power method (up to 4 × 4), Fitting a Polynomial Function (up to third degree).


B.Sc. Ist year
S.No. Name of Course Outcome
1. Cytology,Genetics andInfectious Diseases
(CODE NO- B050101T)

CO-1: Understand the structure and function of all the cell organelles.
CO-2:Know about the chromatin structure and its location.
CO-3:To be familiar with the basic principle of life ,how a cell divides leading to the growth of an organism and also reproduces to form new organisms.
CO-4: How one cell communicates with its neighboring cells?
CO-5:Understand the basic principles of genetics and how genes are inherited from one generation to another. Understand the Mendels’s laws and the deviations from conventional patterns of inheritance.
CO-6: Study the pattern of inheritance by pedigree analysis in families.

2. Cell Biologyand Cytogenetics Lab
(CODE NO- B050102P)

CO-1::To use simple and compound microscopes.
CO-2:: To prepare slides and stain them to see the cell organelles.
CO-3:The chromosomal aberrations by preparing karyotypes.
CO-4: To understand antigen-antibody reaction.

3. Biochemistry and physiology
(CODE NO- B050201T)

CO-1: Developa deep understanding of structure of biomolecules like proteins, lipids and carbohydrates.
CO-2: How does simple molecules together form complex molecules.
CO-3::Understand the thermodynamics of enzyme catalyzed reactions.
CO-4:Understandsystems biology and various functional components of an organism.
CO-5::Understand the mechanisms of energy production at cellular level and molecular levels

4. Physiological, Biochemical & Hematology lab
(CODE NO- B050202P)

CO-1: Understand the structure of biomolecules like proteins, lipids and carbohydrates.
CO-2: :Perform basic hematological laboratory testing.
CO-3:Distinguish normal and abnormalhematological laboratory findings to predict the diagnosis of hematological disorders and diseases.

B.Sc. IInd year
S.No. Name of Course Outcome
1. Molecular Biology Bioinstrumentation & Biotechniques
(CODE NO – B050301T)

CO-1:detailed and conceptual understanding of molecular processes .
CO-2:A clear understanding of the processes of transcription and translation . underlying survival and propagation of life at molecular level.
CO-3::Understanding of how genes are ultimately expressed as proteins which are responsible for the structure and function of all organisms.
CO-4:How genes are regulated differently at different time and place in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

2. Bioinstrumentation &Molecular Biology Lab
(CODE NO- B050302P)

CO-1:Understand the basic principles of the microscopy, working of different types of microscopes.
CO-2::Understand he basic techniques of centrifugation and chromatography for studying cells and separation of biomolecules.
CO-3::Understand the principle of measuring the concentrations of macromolecules in solutions by colorimeter and spectrophotometer and use them in biochemistry experiments.
CO-4: Learn about some of the commonly used advanced DNA testing methods.

3. Gene technology, Immunology and Computational Biology
(CODE NO-B050401T)

CO-1:Understand the principles of genetic engineering, how genes can be cloned in bacteria and the various technologies involved in it.
CO-2: Know the application of biotechnology in various fields like agriculture, industry and human health.
CO-3::To have an in depth understanding about Immune system and its mechanisms.
CO-4:Get introduced to DNA testing and utility of genetic engineering in forensic sciences.
CO-5:Get introduced to computers and use of bioinformatics tools.
CO-6:Enable students to get employment in pathology/ hospital.

4. GeneticEngineering and Counseling Lab
(CODE NO -B050402P)

CO-1:Understand the principles of genetic engineering with hands-on experiments in mutation detection, testing of infectious diseases.
CO-2: Apply knowledge and awareness of the basic principles and concepts of biology, computer science and mathematics existing software effectively to extract information from large database and to use this information in computer modeling.
CO-3:Use bioinformatics tools to find out evolutionary phylogenetics relationship of organisms using gene sequences.
CO-4:Enable students to take up research in biological sciences. Get introduced to DNA testing and utility of genetic engineering in forensic sciences..

B.Sc.IIIrd Year
S.No. Name of Course Outcome
1. Diversity of Non-Chordates and Economic Zoology
(CODE NO-B050501T)

CO-1:Demonstrate comprehensive identification abilities of non-chordate diversity.
CO-2:Explain structural and functional diversity of non-chordate.
CO-3::Explain evolutionary relationship amongst non-chordate groups.Get employment in different applied sectors

2. Diversity of Chordates and Comparative Anatomy
(CODE NO- B050502T)

CO-1::Demonstrate comprehensive identification abilities of chordate diversity.
CO-2:Explain structural and functional diversity of chordates.
CO-3:Explain evolutionary relationship amongst chordates.

3. Lab on Virtual Dissection , Anatomy, Economic Zoology and Parasitology
(CODE NO- B050503P)

CO-1:Demonstrate comprehensive identification abilities of chordate and non-chordates diversity.
CO-2: Explain structural and functional diversity of chordates and non-chordates.
CO-3::Explain evolutionary relationship between chordates and non-chordates.

4. Evolutionary and Developmental Biology
(CODE NO- B050601T)

CO-1:Understand that by biological evolution we mean that many of the organisms that inhabit the earth today are different from those that inhabited it in the past.
CO-2: Understand that natural selection is one of several processes that can bring about evolution, although it can also promote stability rather than change.
CO-3:Understand how the single cell formed at fertilization forms an embryo and then a full adult organism.
CO-4:Integrate genetics, molecular biology , biochemistry ,cell biology, anatomy and physiology during embryonic development.
CO-5:Understand how a cell behaves in response to an autonomous determinant or an external signal, and the scientific reasoning exhibited in experimental life sciences.

5. Ecology, Ethology, Environment Scienceand Wildlife
(CODE NO-B050602T)

CO-1:Global environmental issues, their causes, consequences, and amelioration.
CO-2: The proximate and ultimate causes of various behavior.
CO-3:To understand and identify behavior of variety of taxa.
CO-4:Conceptualizing how species profitably inhabit in the temporal environment and space out their activities at different times of the day and seasons.
CO-5:To interpret the cause and effect of lifestyle disorders contributing to public understanding of biological timing.
CO-6:To understand the importance of wildlife conservation.

6. Lab on Ecology, Environment Science, Behavioral Ecology & Wildlife
(CODE NO-B050603P)

CO-1:Understand the basic concepts ,importance, status and interaction between organisms and environment.
CO-2: : Get employment in forest services, sanctuaries, conservatories.
CO-3:Enable students to take up research in wildlife.