: 0131-2621744
: ccrpgcollege@gmail.com

Programme Specific Outcomes: M.Sc.(Ag) Agronomy

PSO1: Impart knowledge for sustained production of food, fibre, fodder crops and medicinal and aromatic plants.
PSO2: Gain knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, principles and theories relating to subject areas
PSO3: Understanding the methodology of planning, layout, data recording, analysis, interpretation and report writing of agronomic experiments
PSO4: Acquire the skill to design develop and modify system to meet desired needs within realistic constraints.
PSO5: Understand the process of setting up and managing viable business ventures.
PSO6: Ability to understand economic viability and its application to agro-ecosystem.
PSO7: Apply knowledge of innovative techniques for improving the efficiency of crop production system.

Course Outcomes

M.Sc. (Ag)
I Semester
S.No. Name of Course After completion of these courses students should be able to:
1. Fundamental of bio-statistics and computer application
CODE NO. : J-1004

Classification and tabulation
Descriptive theory of Co relation and regression analysis.
Concept of Probability theory.
Describe and continuous distributions
Classification of computer and its components.
Binary & decimal Conversion.

CODE NO. : J-1005

To impart knowledge on basic concepts of Crop growth, responses to growth factor, crop production techniques of recent time.
To provide basic and applied knowledge on tillage, cropping and farming system for sustainable agriculture.
Studies on impact of soil fertility on crop production.
Discuss about the ideal plant type in present day agriculture ,protective as well as Precision agriculture.

CODE NO. : J-1006

To impart knowledge and skill on improved production of cereals, oil seeds and pulses.
Use of product and by product of oil seeds and pulses in Indian agriculture.
Crop diversification with pulses and oil seed crops.
To studies the advance Agro techniques for augmenting productivity and profitability pulses and oil seeds crops.
To disseminate the knowledge of increasing input efficiency among the students.

CODE NO. : J-1007

To impart knowledge on origin, nature and their properties of problem soil.
Studies on impact of soil reaction, nutrient imbalance on crop production.
To study about the management of problems soil by various recent methods.
Discuss the role of soil amendments as well as waste land management

M.Sc.(Ag) Agronomy
II Semester
S.No. Name of Course Course Outcomes
After completion of these courses students should be able to:
1. Statistical method in Agriculture
CODE NO. : J-2004

Concept of sampling theory like simple Radom sampling, stratified sampling multistage etc.
Test of Significance of small and large sample test.
Design of experiment its layout analysis and type of design like CRD,RBD& LSD etc.

2. Principles and practices of water management
CODE NO. : J- 2005

To impart the knowledge on principles and practices of irrigation water management.
To study about various Water resources in India.
Studies on impact of quality of water in crop production.
Discuss the soil moisture content.
To study the drainage requirement.

3. Soil fertility management and fertilizer use
CODE NO. : J- 2006

To impart knowledge on soil fertility and nutrient management for Sustainable crop production.
Examine the soil fertility assessment.
Efficient Nutrient management in Problem soil.
Discuss about Integrated nutrient management.
To Boost up the Fertilizer use efficiency.
Studies on impact of fertilizers on cropping system.

3. Rabi crops
CODE NO. : J- 2007

To impart knowledge on origin, history, distribution and physiology of cereal, oilseed and pulses crops.
Discuss about advance agro techniques for augmenting productivity of pulses and oilseeds crop.
Crop diversification with pulses and oilseeds for achieving sustainability.
Give the idea about use of product and byproduct of oilseeds and pulses in Indian agriculture.

M.Sc.(Ag) Agronomy
III Semester
S.No. Name of Course Course Outcomes
After completion of these courses students should be able to:
1. Principle and practices of weed Management
CODE NO. : J- 3005

To provide basic and applied knowledge on principle and practices in weed management.
Discuss about herbicide application.
To know the Weed shift in different cropping system.
Explain the persistent and degradation of herbicides.
Replacement of herbicide in to Bio groups.
Describe the integrated weed management.
Studies various impact of herbicide on environment.

2. Soil conservation and watershed management
CODE NO. : J-3006

To impart knowledge about soil erosion, soil conservation, extent and type of erosion.
Studies on soil conservation measures on agronomical and mechanical ways.
Discuss about watershed management.
Explain alternate land use system.
To study about Jhum management as well as measures to prevent soil erosion.

3. Agronomy of fodder, forage, medicinal and aromatic crops
CODE NO. : J-3007

To impart knowledge and skill on improved production and sustainability of fodder, forage crops.
Discuss about hay and silage.
Explain the quality of water in forage.
Extant the basic knowledge of medicinal and aromatic crops in relation to human health.
Describe the importance of medicinal and aromatic plants in national economy and related industries.

4. Organic farming
CODE NO. : J-3008

To discuss the basic concepts, status and future prospects of organic farming.
Studies on components of organic farming system.
Discuss about I I F S and L I S A
Explain the ecological agriculture.
Studies on impact of high Technology agriculture on crop production environment.

M.Sc.(Ag) Agronomy
IV Semester
S.No. Name of Course Course Outcomes
After completion of these courses students should be able to:
1. Dry land agronomy
CODE NO. : J- 4005

To Impart Scientific knowledge on concepts and Practices of dry land Agriculture, soil moisture conservation and water shed management.
Study on Impact of drought of in adoption of crop plants.
Water Harvesting and recycling.
To generate agro techniques of different crops in abrent weather conditions.
Describe the conservation limiting crop production in dry land areas.

2. Agro forestry and Sustainable agriculture
CODE NO. : J-4006

To import knowledge on basic concept, Scope & historical Perspective and Agro forestry system.
Agro forestry system for different agro climatic condition.
Alternate land use system.
Economics of agro forestry.
Discuss about all telepathy in various agro forestry system

3. Crop ecology and Geography
CODE NO. : J-4007

To import knowledge on Principles of Crop Ecology, concept of Eco System and variability in relation to ecological optima.
Studies on geographical distribution of cereals, legumes, oilseeds, fodder and commercial crops.
Remote sensing.
Climatic factor in relation to crop productivity & Physiological stress on crops.

4. Seed Production Agronomy
CODE NO. : J-4008

To import knowledge on Principles and practices of seed production techniques for cereals pulses oil seeds, fibre, and fodder crops.
Studies on seed certification, processing, Storage & marketing.
Role of seed industry for certified seed production.
Examine the seed purity, seed health, dormancy and seed viability.

M.Sc. (Ag) Horticulture
I - Semester
S.No. Name of Course Course Outcomes
After completion of these courses students should be able to:
1. Fundamental of Bio- Statistics and Computer Application
CODE NO. : J-1004

This Course provides basic information of statistics and Computer application and its importance and utilization in practical agricultural practices.

2. Fundamental of Vegetable production
CODE NO. : J-1061

This course provides knowledge about package and practices of all warm season and cool season vegetables from sowing of seed till post harvest handling of vegetables under suitable conditions.

3. Propagation and nursery management
CODE NO. : J-1062

This course provides information about Nursery, importance and advantages of nursery, different methods of raising nursery and its care and different kinds of nursery. Propagation and different types of propagation in horticultural plants and their protection.

4. Fundamentals of ornamentals gardening
CODE NO. : J-1063

This Course provides basic knowledge about history of Gardening, different style of Gardens types of ornamental Gardening use of different adornments for decoration purposes and garden practices.

M.Sc. (Ag) Horticulture
II - Semester
S.No. Name of Course Course Outcomes
After completion of these courses students should be able to:
1. Production Technology of Vegetables Crops and Spices
CODE NO. : J-2061

This course provides basic information about production of Temperate, tropical and sun tropical vegetables and spices importance of spices and its uses in human beings.

2. Orchard Management
CODE NO. : J-2062

This course provides basic information , cultivation refers to careful management or orchard, Soil in such as way that a soil is maintained is good condition for plants with least expensive . This involves maintenance of physical condition of soil , its moisture and nutrients content.

3. Production Technology of ornamentals Crops
CODE NO. : J-2063

This course includes basic knowledge of ornamental trees, flowers, climbers, shrubs, hedges, edeges, topiary, trophy, use of different practices for he

M.Sc. (Ag) Horticulture
III - Semester
S.No. Name of Course Course Outcomes
After completion of these courses students should be able to:
1. Fundamental of Fruit Production
CODE NO. : J-3061

This course provides scientific methodology of raising fruit crops in different horticulture zones. Which includes sowing of plant till Post harvest handling of fruit crops.

2. Breeding of Vegetables and ornamental
CODE NO. : J-3062

This course includes, importance, history and objectives of breeding in vegetables and ornamentals different methods of breeding and its achievements improved varieties of vegetables and ornamentals crops.

3. Fundamentals of preservation o horticulture crops
CODE NO. : J-3063

This course includes preservation of horticultural crops by different methods such and drying, dehydration preservation with salt ,vinegar , sugar and chemical.

4. Post Harvest technology of horticulture
CODE NO. : J-3064

This course provides information about importance, different steps and stage involved in post harvest handlings, maturity indices grading, Sorting, packaging and transportations.

M.Sc. (Ag) Horticulture
IV - Semester
S.No. Name of Course Course Outcomes
After completion of these courses students should be able to:
1. Production of Fruits crops
CODE NO. : J-4061

This Course includes scientific methodology of raising fruit crops. Important physiological disorders, manor problems of fruits growing in India.

2. Breeding of fruits crops
CODE NO. : J-4062

This course includes history and infrastructure of fruit breeding in India. Breeding techniques of major fruit crops with special techniques.

3. Processing of fruits and vegetables
CODE NO. : J-4063

This course includes processing of fruits and vegetables in to different products such as Jam, Jellies, Juices, squach, pickels and their preservation by using sugar , salt , chemicals etc.

4. Seed production technology of vegetables and flowers
CODE NO. : J-4064

This course provides the basic knowledge of hybrid seed production of vegetables and flowers and their storage at cool and dry places

M.Sc. Ag. (Ag. Chemistry & soil science)

Programmme Outcome:

Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Ag. Chemistry is a post-graduation course, in which curriculum would allow students to develop a strong footing in the fundamental and specialize them in the disciplines of soil, plant and fertilizer related qualitative and quantitative issues.

Programme Specific Outcome:

The students pursuing this course would have to develop in depth understanding of various aspects of the subject. The conceptual understanding, development of experimental skills, designing and implementation of novel synthetic methods, developing the aptitude for academic and professional skills, acquiring basic concepts for structural elucidation with hyphenated technique

M.Sc. (Ag) Ag. Chemistry
I - Semester
S.No. Name of Course Course Outcomes
After completion of these courses students should be able to:
1. Physical Chemistry & Analytical techniques
CODE NO. : J-1031

Students will understand the basic fundamental of physical chemistry such as thermodynamics, Chemical kinetics and reaction dynamics, Molecular spectroscopy, Nuclear and Radiation chemistry. Radioactivity, their use in agriculture, theory of diluted solution, colloids state of matter, characteristics & use chemical equilibrium, surface tension, viscosity, dipole moment, theory of indicator

2. Plant bio chemistry 1
CODE NO. : J-1032

Students will get acquainted with the theoretical concepts of carbohydrates, proteins, amino acid, lipids, nucleic acid, vitamins. They will also understand the role and importance of bio synthesis Students will understand structure reactivity relationship and importance of carbohydrates

3. Soil genesis, classification and survey
CODE NO. : J-1033

Student will know plant relationship with soil. its help them to yield more. They knew the weathering process, soil profile development, fundamental of pedogenic process, initial material of the solum. elementary idea of remote sensing, knowledge of geographic information system, soil classification, land use planning

M.Sc. (Ag) Ag. Chemistry
II - Semester
S.No. Name of Course Course Outcomes
After completion of these courses students should be able to:
1. Soil physics
CODE NO. : J-2031

Student got a good knowledge of soil as a disperse system, dynamic properties of soil, soil structure classification and genesis, soil aeration, the thermal regime of soils, soil water retention, soil water movement, soil water – plant relationship

2. Soil fertility
CODE NO. : J-2032

Student will know process of plant growth. Learning and understanding of nutrients uptake nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, student get knowledge of ion absorption by plants, active and passive ion transport, ion uptake mechanism

3. Soils of India
CODE NO. : J-2033

Student got knowledge of soils of India. chemical composition and classification of Indo genetic soil, desert soil, blacks soil, red and laterite soils, salt affected soils, high altitude soils, tarai soils, land evaluation.

M.Sc. (Ag) Ag. Chemistry
III - Semester
S.No. Name of Course Course Outcomes
After completion of these courses students should be able to:
1. Plant bio chemistry 2
CODE NO. : J-3031

Student get basic knowledge of chemical composition of plant. It is help to understanding of bio-chemistry. Basic knowledge of plant pigments, plant harmons, alkaloids, sterols, antibiotics, essential oils, enzyme their source and importance

2. Soil chemistry
CODE NO. : J-3032

To know the chemical composition of soil, concepts of chemical equilibria, basic concepts of soil reaction, cation ex-change phenomena and its importance, anion ex-change phenomena. Adsorption, water logged soil, importance and use of radio Isotopes in agriculture.

3. Soil chemical and balance fertilizer
CODE NO. : J-3033

Student get knowledge of pesticides. Their role in agriculture. Organic waste. A very good way to grow good crop IPNM integrated (plant nutrient management) basic knowledge of bio – fertilizer, organic manure. Fertilizer consumption in past and present, nutrient use efficiency.

4. Soil biology 1
CODE NO. : J-3034

It is useful for student to know the beneficial activities of soil organism, ecology of micro-organisms microbiology of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignins and starch. Nitrogen cycle, Sulphur transformation, phosphorus transformation, the carbon cycle.

M.Sc. (Ag) Ag. Chemistry
IV - Semester
S.No. Name of Course Course Outcomes
After completion of these courses students should be able to:
1. Soil mineralogy
CODE NO. : (J 4031)

To know about minerals, their classification, chemical composition of , formation and diagnostic feature of soil forming rocks, classification of soil particle, formation of soil soil profile and soil properties. Relationship between mineral soil and plant growth, water movement, supply of plant nutrients in mineral soil.

2. Fertilizer and Manure
CODE NO. : (J 4032)

Student can take knowledge regarding fertilizer, because fertilizer is very essential for production, they can take knowledge of chemistry of fertilizer, micro nutrient fertilizer, principal of manures and fertilizer, quality control in fertilizer

3. Soil and environment
CODE NO. : (J 4033)

In it, student got know a basic concept of ecological balance, land degradation, environmental pollution, soil and chemical pollution, organic waste, its use for crop production, knowledge in role of an individual in prevention of pollution

4. Soil biology & bio chemistry 2
CODE NO. : (J 4034)

Student must be able to know some component as rhizobium, Non symbiotic N fixtation, Azolla as a organic nitrogen fertilizer, bio fertilizer uses, their importance, chemistry of organic matter, its mean a deeply knowledge of OM ,its recycling,

M.Sc. Botany
I - Semester
S.No. Name of Course Outcome
1. Angiosperm Taxonomy, Plant Resources and Utilization
CODE NO. : H-1001

CO1: Describe Salient feature, important rules and recommendation of International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN)
CO2: Describe the Binomial nomenclature, botanical gardens and herbaria.
CO3: Explain taxonomic evidences with reference to Morphology, Plant anatomy, Palynology, Embryology, Cytology, Phytochemistry,
CO4: Examine genome analysis and DNA hybridization technique in relation to taxonomy, numerical taxonomy, serotaxonomy.
CO5: Describe the species concept, taxonomic hierarchy, taxon and category
CO6: Describe the phylogenetic system of classification given by Hutchinson, Cronquist, Takhtajan and Dahlgren
CO7: Describe the phylocode and APG system of classification
CO8: Describe the floral structure and phylogeny of various families such as Magnoliaceae, Lauraceae, Piperaceae, Moraceae, Juglandaceae , Casuarinaceae, to Cactaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Polygonaceae, Tiliaceae, Sterculiaceae, Violaceae, Lythraceae, Combretaceae, Boraginaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Bignoniaceae.
CO9: Describe the botanical names, families , Plant part(s) used and uses of the important plants belonging to Fiber plants, Spices and condiments, Beverages, Medicinal plants, Non-wood plant products (NWPPs): rubber, dyes, resin, gums etc.

2. Biology and Diversity of Viruses and Bacteria
CODE NO. : H-1002

CO1: Describe the development of microbiology as science, important contribution of pioneer microbiologists; golden era of microbiology.
CO2: Explain the Isolation, purification and cultivation of microbes.
CO3: Discuss the important criteria used for classifications of microorganisms (morphological, ecological, biochemical, molecular and numerical).
CO4: Classify the bacteria based on Bergey’s manual of determinative bacteriology.
CO5: Differentiate between Archaeobacteria and Eubacteria in respect of characters, ultrastructure, nutrition, genetic recombination (Transformation, Transduction, Conjugation), and economic importance.
CO6: Descrbe the Cyanobacteria
CO7: Describe the biological nature, characteristics and ultrastructure of Plant, animal and bacterial virus, replication, transmission and economic importance of viruses.
CO8: Describe the Phytoplasma
CO9: Define viroids, virusoids, prions and Retrovirus.
CO10: Describe the Host-parasite interaction
CO11: Describe the Innate and adaptive immune system
CO12: List the distribution of microbes in air, water, soil and human body along with use of microbes for control of pollution, microbial enzymes, and microbes in nanobiotechnology.

3. Biology and Diversity of Algae and Bryophytes
CODE NO. : B-1003

CO1: Describe the classification and salient features, Algal pigments, food reserves, flagellation, thallus organisation, reproduction and life cycle patterns, and economic importance of algae.
CO2: Compare the classes of Chlorophyceae, Xanthophyceae and Bacillariophyceae, Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae
CO3: Describe the classification, distribution, Range of thallus structure (plant body) and anatomy of Bryophytes
CO4:. Give a general account of Marchantiales, Jungermanniales, Anthocerotales, Sphagnales, Funariales and Polytrichales.
CO5: Explain the evolutionary tendencies in sporophytes of Bryophytes (Progressive sterilization of sporogenous tissue), Reproduction, life history, Inter-relationship, affinities of various groups of Bryophytes, Ecology and economic importance of Bryophytes.

4. Biology and Diversity of Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany
CODE NO. : B-1004

CO1: Describe the classification, salient features, comparative organography, systematics, reproduction and Phylogeny of Psilopsida: Psilophytales (Rhynia, Horneophyton) and Psilotales (Psilotum, Tmesipteris), Lycopsida: Protolepidodendrales (Protolepidodendron), Lepidodendrales (Lepidodendron, Stigmaria), Lepidospermales (Lepidocarpon) and Isoetales (Isoetes), Sphenopsida: Hyeniales (Calamophyton), Sphenophyllales (Sphenophyllum) and Calamitales (Calamites), Pteropsida: Coenopteridales — A general account. Ophioglossales (Ophioglossum, Botrychium), Marattiales (Marattia, Angiopteris), Osmundales (Osmunda), Filicales (Cyathea, Dryopteris, Pteridium), Marsileales (Marsilea), Salviniales (Salvinia, Azolla) and Indian Fossils.
CO2: Explain the Telome concept, Stelar system and evolutionary tendencies, Heterospory and evolution of seed habit, Apogamy, apospory, parthenogenesis, Soral evolution in Pteridophytes and Alternation of generations.
CO3: Describe the classification, distribution, morphology, structure and life history of Pteridospermales: Palaeozoic and Mesozoic group with reference to Lyginopteridaceae (Lyginopteris), Medullosaceae (Medullosa), Glossopteridaceae and Caytoniaceae, Bennettitales: Cycadeoidaceae, Williamsoniaceae, Wielandiellaceae, Cycadales: A detailed account including distribution of living Cycads, Pentoxylales: A general account, Cordaitales: A general account of Cordaitaceae and Poroxylaceae, Ginkgoales: Ginkgo, Coniferales: Abies, Cedrus, Cryptomeria, Cupressus. Podocarpus, Cephalotaxus and Araucaria, Taxales: A general account, Ephedrales, Welwitschiales and Gnetales: A general account.
CO4: Explain the evolutionary tendencies in and economic importance in Gymnosperms.
CO5: Describe the geological areas and distribution of plants in geological time scale.
CO6: Describe the types of Fossils, Process of fossilization and fossil preservation methods along with techniques of study of fossils and distribution of fossils in India

M.Sc. Botany
II - Semester
S.No. Name of Course Outcomes
1. Fungal Biodiversity and Elementary Plant Pathology
CODE NO. : H-2001

CO1: Describe the Range of Thallus organization in fungi and Types of reproduction in fungi.
CO2: Describe the classification of fungi as proposed by Ainsworth (1973) Alexopoulus, Mims& Blackwell (1996).
CO3:Describe the Nutrition and growth in Fungi including factors affecting fungal growth.
CO4: Differentiate in fungi in respect to control of i) Dimorphism. ii) conidiation. iii) mating (with the help of Sex hormones).
CO5: Describe the Heterothallism, Heterokaryosis, parasexuality and physiological specialization in Fungi.
CO6:Describet a general account and affinities of the Fungi belonging to kingdom Protozoa: a. Myxomycota (myxomycetes): Stemonites, Ceratiomyxa, Plasmodiophoromycota (Plasmodiophorales) Plasmodiophora., The Fungi belonging to Kingdom Chromista: a. Oomycota: Saprolegnia, Phythium, Phytopthora, Albugo, The Kingdom Fungi: Chytridiomycota: Synchytrium, Blastocladiomycota: Allomyces, Coelomomyces, Zygomycota: Saksanaea, Pilobolus, Entomophthora , Ascomycota : Taphrina, Phyllactinia, Erysiphae, Neurospora, Peziza, Basidiomycota: Puccinia, Uromyces, Hemiliea, Melampsora, Tilletia, Ustilago , Anamorphic fungi (Deuteromycotina): With reference to their telomorph, also wherever possible; Cercospora, Helminthosporium, Curvularia, Alternaria, Fusarium, Colletotrichum, Aspergillus, Penicillium.
CO7: Explaine the Role of antibiotics, hyphal interference,Mycoparasitism, Commensalism, Mycorrihizae, Lichens (Structure, types, reproduction, importance), and Fungi as biocontrol agents.
CO8: Describe the disease control by Physical methods, chemical methods, crop rotation, plant quarantines, resistance and integrated pest management mechanism.
CO9: Describe the etiology and control of the following crop diseases: Paddy : Paddy blast, Bacterial leaf blight, Wheat : Black Stem rust, Bunt of wheat, Flag smut, Jowar : Grain Smut. Sugercane : Smut, Red rot, Cotton : Wilt, Grape : Downy and powdery mildew, Apple : Apple scab ,Groundnut : Tikka disease, Fibre : Rust of Linum, Coriander : Gall of coriander.

2. Cell and Molecular Biology of Plants
CODE NO. : H-2002

CO1: Describe the microscopy, camera lucida, SEM, TEM. and STEM.
CO2: Describe the ultrastructure of cell structure, chemical foundation and functions of cell wall, Biological membranes with special emphasis on plasma membrane and tonoplast membrane.
CO3: Describe the structure and function of Mitochondria, Chloroplast, Nucleus & Nucleolus with nuclear pores, nucleosome concept.
CO4: Describe the chromatin organisation along with chromosome structure and composition, Centromere, Telomere, Euchromatin and Heterochromatin, Karyotypes, Polytene, Lamp brush chromosomes and Sex chromosomes.
CO5: Explain the Ribosomes, Dictyosomes, Lysosomes, ER, Microbodies and Plasmodesmata.
CO6: Describe the Cell cycle & Apoptosis
CO7: Describe the structure of Nucleic Acids and types of DNA (A, B, Z-DNA) and RNA, (t-RNA, micro-RNA)
CO8:Differentiate between DNA & RNA
CO9: Describe DNA replication (Origin and fork) and its biosynthesis, extra chromosomal replications, DNA damage and repair, transposons and mechanisms of transposition.
CO10: Describe Genetic Code with reference to Discovery, Properties and cracking of genetic code
CO11 : Explain the process of Protein Synthesis
CO12: Describe the Control of gene expression at transcription and translation level

3. Genetics, Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding
CODE NO. : H-2003

CO1: Discuss Mendel’s Laws of inheritance, Allelic and non allelic interaction of genes and Multiple alleles
CO2: Describe Linkage and crossing over, Sex determination and Maternal effects and Extra- nuclear inheritance.
CO3: Explain the Biochemical genetics, concept of gene, Structural changes in chromosomes and Numerical changes in chromosomes
CO4: Describe the numerical changes in chromosomes and haploidy
CO5: Explain the mutation
CO6: Describe the concept of gene
CO7: Explain the plant breeding, hybridization and heterosis concept

3. Anatomy and Reproduction in Angiosperms
CODE NO. : H-2004

CO1: Discuss the shoot development and root development
CO2: Describe the anatomy of stomata, phloem , xylem and cambium
CO3: Explain the microsporangium and mega sporangium development
CO4: Describe the incompatibility and pollen-pistil interaction
CO5: Describe the polyembryony
CO6: Describe the endosperm development
CO7: Describe the embryogenesis and fruit development
CO8: Explain the apomixes and polyembryony

M.Sc. Botany
III - Semester
S.No. Name of Course Outcomes
1. Plant-Soil-Water Relations & Growth and Development
CODE NO. : H-3001

CO1: Describe the plant water relations
CO2: Describe the transpiration and stomatal movement
CO3: Describe the mineral and ion absorption
CO4: Explain the ascent of sap and translocation of food in plants
CO5: Discuss the stress physiology
CO6: Describe the plant hormones and growth regulators
CO7: Describe the Hormone receptors, cell signaling and Signal transduction
CO8: Explain the photoperiodism
CO9: Describe the dormancy
CO10: Explain the plant movements
CO11: Describe the ageing and senescence

2. Phytochemistry and Metabolism
CODE NO. : H-3002

CO1: Describe the fundamentals of thermodynamics, bioenergetics and buffers
CO2: Describe the structure, functions and classification of enzymes
CO3: Explain the primary, secondary and tertiary structures of protein
CO4: Describe the photosynthesis biochemistry in plants
CO5: Explain the C3,C4 and CAM cycle
CO6: Describe the photorespiration
CO7:Describe glycolysis, krebs cycle and electron transport system
CO8: Explain the pentose phosphate pathway and glyoxylate cycle
CO9:Describe structure, function and biosynthesis of fatty acids
CO10: Explain nitrogen fixation and nitrogen cycle
CO11: Describe the sulphur uptake, transport and assimilation
CO12: Describe the secondary metabolities like alkaloids, lignin and phenolics (terpenes, phenols) with emphasis on flavonoids.

3. Plant Ecology and Phytogeography
CODE NO. : B-3003

CO1: Explain the Ecological factors, Ecological concepts of species, Population Ecology, Community Ecology
CO2: Describe the Ecological succession (Xerosere, hydrosere)
CO3: Describe the structure and functions of ecosystem
CO4: Define I.B.P. (International Biological Programme), and M.A.B (Man and Biosphere Programme).
CO5: Describe the various kinds of pollution
CO6: Describe the mechanism of Recycling of waste, Biogas, utilization and disposal of organic wastes and inorganic wastes,
CO7: Describe the Biodiversity and It’s conservation.
CO8: Explain Soil erosion and conservation, rainwater harvesting, chipko movement, van mahotsava, Afforestation, reforestation
CO9: Explain the principal of phytogeography
CO10: Describe the remote sensing

4. Elementary Biotechnology
CODE NO. : H-3004

CO1: Describe the Basic concepts, Principles and scope of Biotechnology.
CO2: Explain Recombinant DNA technology, basic concept in genetic engineering, tool and techniques of recombinant DNA technology.
CO3: Describe Enzymology of genetic engineering, Restriction enzymes, DNA ligase, Polymerase etc.
CO4: Explain cloning vectors, gene cloning and gene libraries
CO5: Describe the genetic engineering of plants and transgenic plants
CO6: Explain Intellectual Property Right (IPR), possible ecological risk and bioethics.
CO7: Describe the cell and tissue culture technique
CO8: Explain Cell proliferation measurements, cell viability testing, culture media preparation and cell
harvesting methods, concepts of cellular differentiation and totipotency
CO9:Describe the Somatic hybridization, Protoplast isolation, fusion and culture, hybrid selection and regeneration.
CO10: Describe the Application of plant tissue culture, clonal propagation, artificial seed, production of hybrids and somaclones, organ culture, production of secondary metabolites, natural products, cryopreservation and germplasm conservation.

M.Sc. Botany
IV - Semester
S.No. Name of Course Outcomes
1. Modern Phytotechniques and Biostatistics
CODE NO. : H-4001

CO1: Describe the basic botanical techniques such as different types of stains, their preparation and uses, Microtomy, Collection and preparation of herbarium sheets etc.
CO2: Describe the biophysical methods such as Cell sorting, Chromatography, Electrophoresis, Centrifugation, X- ray diffraction
CO3: Describe the methods of quantitative analysis such as Spectrophotometer, MS, NMR, ESR, ORD/CD spectrometers,
CO4:Describe the Radio isotopic methods such as Geiger Muller & Liquid Scintillation Counters
CO5: Describe the Immunological methods such as immunodiffusion, immuno- electrophoresis, crossed immuno-electrophoresis, counter- RIA, ELISA , Immunoblotting
CO6: Describe the Classification and presentation of data, graphical presentation: frequency polygon and curve, & cumulative frequency curve.
CO7: Describe the Distribution, Measures of Central tendency: mean, mode, median and their properties
CO8: Describe the Measures of dispersion: Mean deviation, standard deviation and coefficient of variation, Simple correlation, coefficient and regression,
CO9: Describe the Principle of experimental designs, randomized block and Latin square designs and analysis of variance (ANOVA), Tests of significance, t-tests, Χ2 test for goodness of fit.

2. Biodiversity Conservation and Plant Resources
CODE NO. : H-4002

CO1: Describe Biodiversity, Levels of Biodiversity, Diversity Measures and Global concern over climate change.
CO2: Describe the Biodiversity Conservation Initiatives e.g. In situ Stratagy : National parks, Wild life sanctuaries, biosphere reserves and world heritage sites and Ex-situ Stratagy : By seeds, reclamation, Afforestation, tree Plantation, seed banks, gene banks, cryobanks
CO3: Describe the Ecosystem diversity in India: Desert, forest, Grassland ecosystem, wetland, Mangroves.
CO4: Species Diversity such as Endemic species, cultivated plants/Agro- diversity, endangered plants.
CO5: Explain the Loss of Biodiversity, its causal factors, and categories of threats such as Endangered, Vulnerable, Rare and Threatened
CO6: Describe the world centres of primary diversity of domesticated plants
CO7: Describe the Biodiversity protection laws and policies, management of natural resources.


Program Outcomes (POs), Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

and Course Outcomes (COs)

Program Outcomes (POs) –

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) –

Course Outcomes (COs) –


Code- H-1007

Objective – This course aims at familiarizing students with the concept of VSEPR theory, Walsh diagrams and Bent rule. Crystal field theory (CFT), Stepwise and overall formation constants, chelate effect, binary formation constants, inert and labile complexes on the basis of VBT and CFT, Substitution reactions in square planar complexes, trans effect and theories and one electron transfer reactions (redox reactions) are studied in detail.

Outcome –
Code- H-1008

Objective- This course aims at familiarizing the students with nature of bonding in organic molecules, conjugation, hyperconjugation, bonding in fullerenes, aromaticity, huckel’s rule and PMO approach. Crown ethers, cryptands, inclusion compounds, cyclodextrins, catenanes and rotaxanes are also studied in detail. The course also explains the basic concept of stereochemistry and its application for analysis of cycloalkanes, decalins, biphenyls, allenes, spiranes, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorous containing compounds. Students also acquire knowledge of aliphatic nucleophilic substitution and aliphatic electrophilic substitution reactions and their mechanisms. The generation, stability and reactivity of carbocations, carbanions, free radicals, carbenes and nitrenes will be covered.

Outcome –
Code- H-1009

Objective – This course aims at acquaint the students with postulates of quantum mechanics and its applications such as particle in a box, simple harmonic oscillator, rigid rotator and hydrogen atom in detail with approximate methods and HMO theory of conjugated systems. The topic of classical, statistical and non-equlibrium thermodynamics will also be covered.

Outcome –
Code- H-1010

Objective – This course introduces the concept of mathematics to chemistry students.

Outcome –
Code- H-1011

Objective – This course includes the study of cell membrane, cell wall, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and metabolic processes. Also includes the concept of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, peptides, proteins and nucleic acids.

Outcome –
Code- H-1012

Objective – This course aims at familiarizing the students with various basic concepts and techniques for conduct of practicals in computers.

Outcome –
Lab I Inorganic chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry Lab practicals

Objective – Students will understand the concept of strength and normality by volumetric titrations, determination of viscosity of given sample at different temperatures using red wood viscometer. To separate and analyze the mixture of two or three inorganic components and preparation of different inorganic salts. To analyze the given organic compound (single and mixtures) and preparation of its derivatives.

Outcome –


Code- H-2007

Objective – This course aims at familiarizing students with the electronic spectra and magnetic properties of transition metal complexes. Metal π-complexes, metal clusters and nuclear chemistry will be studied in detail.

Outcome –
Code- H-2008

Objective – The aim of the course is to provide knowledge to the students about several topics related to organic chemistry such as aromatic electrophilic substitution, aromatic nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions and their mechanisms. Free radical reactions, addition reactions such as C-C multiple bonds and C-hetero multiple bonds are also studied in detail. The course also explains the concept of pericyclic reactions in detail.

Outcome –
Code- H-2009

Objective – This course aims at to acquaint the students with various concepts related to physical chemistry such as chemical dynamics, surface chemistry and electrochemistry. This also bring about the importance of academic and laboratory skills for the students.

Outcome –
Course-VIII Group Theory, Spectroscopy & Diffraction methods & Solid State
Code- H-2010

Objective – This course introduces the several new topics related to chemistry such as Group theory, Spectroscopy, diffraction methods & Solid State.

Outcome –
Lab II Inorganic chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry Lab practicals

Objective – Students will be able to determine the surface tension and its parachor value of a given liquid. They will become familiar with conductometric titrations, pH-metry titrations, complexometric titrations, oxidation-reduction titration, etc. To separate and analyze the mixture of given binary organic mixtures and two step preparations will be studied.

Outcome –


Course-IX Photochemistry
Code- H-3007

Objective – This course aims at familiarizing the students with the new topic of organic chemistry- Photochemistry and photochemical reactions.

Outcome –
Course-X Spectroscopy
Code- H-3008

Objective –The objective of this course is the use of theoretical and experimental methods to study molecular structure and characterize it by various spectroscopic techniques.

Outcome –
Course-XI Analytical Chemistry
Code- H-3009

Objective – This course helps the students to study various analytical methods and instruments.

Outcome –
Course-XII Bioorganic Chemistry
Elective 1
Code- H-3010

Objective – This course helps the students to study the chemistry of amino acids, proteins, enzymes and Nucleic acids.

Outcome –
Lab III Analytical and Biochemistry practical

Objective – Students will be able to verify the Lambert’s Beer’s Law by UV-Visible Spectrophotometer. They will familiarize with UV-Visible spectrophotometer, conductometer, DSC, redwood viscometer, TLC plates, Paper Chromatography, buffer solutions, etc

Outcome –


Course-XIII Environmental Chemistry
Code- H-4007

Objective – This course aims at Air, water, soil, industrial pollution and environmental toxicology.

Outcome –
Special Course-I Organic Synthesis
Elective 1
Code- H-4008

Objective – This course explains the use of organometallic reagents, oxidative and reductive processes, rearrangement reactions, metallocenes, non-benzenoid aromatic and polycyclic aromatic compounds.

Outcome –
Special Course-II Medicinal Chemistry
Elective 2
Code- H-4009

Objective – This course helps the students to study drugs, their structure, properties, synthesis and applications.

Outcome –
Special Course-III Polymers
Elective 3
Code- H-3009

ObjectiveThis course helps the students to study the basic concept of polymers- characterization, structure, etc.

Outcome –
Special Course-IV Chemistry of Natural Products
Elective 4
Code- H-3009

Objective – This course aims at the chemistry of alkaloids, terpenoids, carotenoids, steroids, plant pigments, porphyrins and prostaglandins.

Outcome –
Special Course-V Heterocyclic chemistry
Elective 5
Code- H-3009

Objective – This course helps the students to study the chemistry of heterocyclic organic compounds.

Outcome –
Lab IV Organic chemistry practical

Objective – Students will be able to verify the Lambert’s Beer’s Law by UV-Visible Spectrophotometer. They will familiarize with UV-Visible spectrophotometer, conductometer, DSC, redwood viscometer, TLC plates, Paper Chromatography, buffer solutions, etc.

Outcome –